前FMVP 要回來了?Andre Iguodala 有望於第三戰復出

根據消息,金州勇士隊Andre Iguodala 因左腳受傷缺戰頭兩場總決賽,但表示有望於第三戰重新上場。

Iguodala 在過往幾天已沒感到痛楚,但目前球隊對於Iguodala的狀態仍然是未知之數。

Iguodala :「我以第三埸為復出日期,但之前預計是在第二、三場復出的,我們仍需要觀察情況。」

引用"I aim to play in Game 3, but I've aimed to play in Game 2 and Game 3. We'll just have to see," said Iguodala.

而球隊教練Steve Kerr 於星期日亦表示:「我相信Andre 會在這系列賽回歸,他的傷勢已經逐漸康復,但目前未能準確肯定。」

引用"I'm optimistic Andre will play at some point in the series," Warriors coach Steve Kerr said on Sunday. "He has gotten better gradually, but there's no way of knowing for sure at this point."

Photo Credit: David J. Phillip/AP Photo
Source: http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/23695791/andre-iguodala-golden-state-warriors-pain-free-eyes-finals-return

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