根據消息,還有幾天是決定球員選項的截止日,克里夫蘭騎士隊大帝LeBron James 會否選擇放棄球員選項離開騎士隊,關鍵在於有沒有球星願意加入他和騎士隊。
ESPN Ryen Russillo:「LeBron James 會否離開仍是未知之數,但他目前嘗試招募其他球星到騎士隊與他並肩作戰為首。」
引用"All the arrows point to him bolting," said Ryen Russillo. "But I know for a fact LeBron is trying to figure out if other stars around the league want to come play with him in Cleveland first.
「相信LeBron 仍然希望留在騎士隊,但未知有沒有其他球星願意加入他。」
引用"I know for a fact that LeBron is still trying to find a way to make it happen in Cleveland. I just don't know if anybody wants to go there with him."
騎士隊於2018年選秀日以第8順位選擇了控衛Collin Sexton。
Photo Credit: Daily Express
Source: https://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/250301/LeBron-James-Still-Trying-To-Get-Stars-To-Join-Him-With-Cavaliers
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