拓荒者如何做的更好?Damian Lillard 為此做出回應!

這位家喻戶曉的超級巨星已經是聯盟中最頂級的控球後衛之一, Damian Lillard 從剛進入 NBA 聯盟到現在已經歷經九個賽季,而這九個賽季都在波特蘭拓荒者隊渡過,儘管 Damian Lillard 的個人能力再強,波特蘭拓荒者隊依然整體表現差,在今年第一輪面對缺少 Jamal Murray 的丹佛金塊隊,拓荒者隊以2:4敗給丹佛金塊隊,而最近 Damian Lillard 在準備東京奧運會時,面對 Chris Haynes 的訪談說出一些關於自家球隊的看法。

Chris Haynes 問到 :「我不得不問你關於波特蘭拓荒者隊的情況,你在球場內外為球隊做的一切,你是否覺得同樣的承諾得到了回報,讓你有能力獲得你第一個總冠軍呢?」Damian Lillard 說到:
引用Damian Lillard :To make it to the NBA, I had to give it everything I had. I was going to do what needed to be done to win games. I didn’t come into the league worrying about what others were doing in the organization. I didn’t come in with that type of mentality. But I've been active in probably 95% of the games in my career. I’ve played through injuries, and I’ve been a part of two rebuilds. I feel like I’ve experienced everything with the Trail Blazers, and I’ve worn that jersey as a badge of honor and with a lot of pride and care. I never felt like my job was to go in and critique what other people were doing in the organization. My job was to make sure the team is functioning and trying to lead them to the best results. I’ve always assumed everybody’s mentality was the same. Even when I'm playing well and we come up short at the end of the season, I go home and the first thing I do is look in the mirror and tell myself we didn't win a championship. Or if I didn't play as well as I should have, I’ve had to look in the mirror and tell myself that my performance was unacceptable and I have to do better. And then you go do better.
(為了進入NBA,我必須付出我所擁有的一切。我要做的是贏得比賽所需的一切。我進入聯盟並沒有擔心其他人在組織中的所作所為。我不是帶著那種心態進來的。但我職業生涯中大約 95% 的比賽都是活躍的。我打過傷病,我參加過兩次重建。我覺得我經歷了開拓者隊的一切,我穿著這件球衣作為榮譽徽章,帶著很多自豪和關懷。我從來沒有覺得我的工作是進入並批評其他人在組織中所做的事情。我的工作是確保團隊運作良好,並努力帶領他們取得最佳結果。我一直認為每個人的心態都是一樣的。即使我打得很好而且我們在賽季結束時表現不佳,我回家後做的第一件事就是照照鏡子告訴自己我們沒有贏得冠軍。或者如果我沒有發揮應有的水平,我就不得不照照鏡子告訴自己我的表現是不可接受的,我必須做得更好。然後你去做得更好。


Chris Haynes 又問到 :「認識你多年,為什麼現在這個關頭對你來說如此關鍵?」Damian Lillard 說到:
引用Damian Lillard :There are few reasons: One being I'm not getting any younger. Our environment has always been great. We’re not losing a lot, but we were eliminated by a shorthanded Denver team that I felt we should have beat. I just walked away from that really disappointed. I was like, ‘Man, this just isn't going to work.’ We're not winning the championship, but we’ve got a successful organization. We're not a franchise that’s just out here losing every year and getting divided. We have positive seasons; we just don't end up with a championship. So I feel like at this point, I basically made the decision that if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you've always been. Just like I hold myself accountable for a bad performance or hold myself accountable to make sure that I work my ass off when I’m training, I must be accountable for saying what needs to be said even if it's not popular. And that just comes with age. When I was younger, I felt like maybe I'll be out of place, but I feel like I've earned the right to say we must do better. We must do better if we want to win on that level.
(有幾個原因: 一個是我不再年輕。我們的環境一直很好。我們輸的並不多,但我們被一支人手不足的丹佛隊淘汰了,我覺得我們應該擊敗他們。我剛剛離開那真的很失望。我想,'伙計,這行不通。我們沒有贏得冠軍,但我們有一個成功的組織。我們不是一個每年都在這裡輸球並分裂的球隊。我們有積極的季節;我們只是沒有最終獲得冠軍。所以我覺得在這一點上,我基本上做出了決定,如果你做你一直在做的事情,你將永遠在你一直在的地方。就像我讓自己對糟糕的表現負責,或者讓自己負責確保我在訓練時努力工作,即使不受歡迎,我也必須對說出需要說的話負責。而這只是隨著年齡的增長。當我年輕的時候,我覺得我可能會格格不入,但我覺得我有權利說我們必須做得更好。如果我們想在那個級別上獲勝,我們必須做得更好。)

Damian Lillard 在拓荒者隊待了九個賽季,並且入選6次全明星賽、6次最佳陣容提名,場均24.7分4.2籃板6.6助攻,而最近 Damian Lillard 不斷陷入交易風波,而他否認了這些,並表示希望下賽季能夠繼續在拓荒者隊繼續效力,不管之後 Damian Lillard 之後去了哪裡,球迷們應該都要誠心的祝福他,希望他開心的打球,再次為我們獻上 Damn Time !



標籤: NBA  Damian Lillard