繼Emma又再有新受害者!Amanda Seyfried與前男友口交片外洩

昨日外國娛樂圈發生一件很轟動的事件,就是<美女與野獸>女主角Emma Watson的手機被黑客入侵了。手機內的試衫照被公開,同時還有一批沒有露樣貌的出浴照。Emma已經承認試衫照是她,雖然網民比對出浴照及Emma的癦分佈,認為雙方有很高相似度....但Emma否認她是裸照本人(傳送門:http://s.fanpiece.com/TUSYGxt)。

不過一波未平,一波又起,根據外國網站Mirror的報導指出,孤星淚女主角Amanda Seyfried成為黑客的新入侵對象。片段中可以看到她為一名男子口交,男子身份正是Amanda的前男友Justin Jake Long。
一名代表藝員的律師已承認照片就是本人,亦曾經發信到色情網站Celeb Jihad要求刪除有關片段,現在外國報章正聯繫Amanda本人,希望她為事件解說。

引用Amanda Seyfried has reportedly become the latest victim of celebrity photo hacking.

The pregnant actress's lawyer has reportedly sent a letter to a website that published the leaked images demanding that they take them down, according to TMZ .

The leak involved "several very private photographs of Ms. Seyfried either in various states of nudity or in intimate moments with her former boyfriend" according to the letter.

Mirror Online have contacted Amanda's representative for comment.

