遊戲開發商Bungie係上星期公布左將會同中國網絡遊戲公司網易合作,而網易將會為呢段合作關係投資1億美元。眾所周知,Bungie曾經同Activison合作,亦係上年推出左遊戲《Destiny 2》,而今次Bungie同網易既合作就會準備開發全新既遊戲產品。
因為《Destiny 2》仲係營運當中,有唔少人擔心今次既合作會唔會影響到遊戲營運。而Bungie亦都澄清左新作既開發並唔會對現存既遊戲營運有任何影響。雖然仲未有任何既新作情報,但網易亦都指出公司成員相當敬佩Bungie既遊戲開發方式同熱情,似乎係想以投資形式,利用外國既遊戲製作水準去針對中國市場,開發可以賺取更多利潤既遊戲。
因為《Destiny 2》仲係營運當中,有唔少人擔心今次既合作會唔會影響到遊戲營運。而Bungie亦都澄清左新作既開發並唔會對現存既遊戲營運有任何影響。雖然仲未有任何既新作情報,但網易亦都指出公司成員相當敬佩Bungie既遊戲開發方式同熱情,似乎係想以投資形式,利用外國既遊戲製作水準去針對中國市場,開發可以賺取更多利潤既遊戲。
引用At Bungie, our purpose is to build worlds that inspire friendship. For over twenty-five years, through Marathon, Myth, Oni, Halo, and Destiny, we’ve created fantastic places where players have gathered to become heroes. Now, our long-term goal is to become an entertainment company that sustains many worlds simultaneously – Destiny and new worlds to come.今次Bungie同網易既合作,除左代表網易想透過Bungie打入國際市場,亦都代表Bungie唔再好似以前依賴Activision既幫助。而我地或者可以係黎近既E3遊戲展知道更多關於今次合作既消息。
Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve entered into a new partnership with NetEase to help us explore new directions. With their industry expertise, they’ll empower us to build new worlds and invite players, new and old, to join us there. They’ll help us support separate teams inside Bungie to bring our newest ambitions to life.
If you’re a player of Destiny, this news won’t impact the hobby you’ve come to know. Destiny is an experience that will grow for many years to come. We’ll continue to work with our partners at Activision to foster this global community and turn new players from all over the world into Guardians. Our commitment to that world is not diminished by this announcement. We have exciting plans for the future of the Destiny franchise, and you’ll learn more about the next steps we’ll take together in the weeks to come.
For now, we’re grateful for the opportunity to welcome NetEase to the family. We have a bold vision to explore with them, but that is all a conversation for another time.