[空穴來風?]回顧Anthony Davis休季的小舉動, 與往後的劇情發展

回顧AD要求轉會的風波, 由休季期間的一個舉動開始。

2018年9月9日, 有報道指Anthony Davis與經理人Thad Foucher分道揚不再合作。而Foucher是AD自出道以來的經理人。

2018年9月24日, Anthony Davis聘請了Rich Paul的Klutch Sports Group作為他的經理人, 代表AD處理與球會的一切事宜。


當時, AD就有關的舉動曾發表過以下言論(來源: Brett Martel, AP):

Davis said the move was aimed primarily at helping him become the “the most dominant player in the league.”

“It was just for where I am right now in my career — what I’m trying to do — I thought the change was necessary,” Davis said Monday, when the Pelicans held media day on the eve of training camp. “That’s all it was.”

AD強調轉換經理人主要是令自己成為最優秀的球員, 並無其他。

同屬Rich Paul旗下的LeBron James也對AD加盟Rich Paul旗下表示歡迎:


由於AD與球隊尚餘兩年合約, ESPN的球迷家Brian Windhorst早已就此事發表評論, 指出球員改聘經理人或暗示該球員有意他投, 惟Paul則表示沒有這回事:

A star player switching agents sometimes can create the implication that he wants to change teams. Paul, who represents more than 20 NBA players, told ESPN that is not the case and he plans to meet with Pelicans officials soon.

2018年12月19日, 在洛杉磯湖人作客對布魯克林籃網的賽前訪問, LBJ被問到對AD加盟湖人的意見:

"That would be amazing, like, duh. That would be incredible."


2018年12月22日, 新奧爾良塘鵝/鵜鶘作客洛杉磯湖人, 據報AD與LBJ在賽後會面, 並共晉晚餐。

同時, 也有部份球會管理層就LBJ和湖人疑似干預一事表示不滿:


隨後, AD接受Yahoo Sports訪問, 表示成為傳奇比金錢重要。

"I want to have a legacy. All my people that look up to me, the younger kids, I want them to know about AD’s legacy. Championships, the things I do in the community, being a good teammate, playing hard. All that stuff matters the most to me. Don’t get me wrong, money is amazing. But I think in that sense, money or legacy, I think my legacy will win that battle every time.”

2019年1月19日, AD因左手食指受傷, 至今一直缺陣。

2019年1月28日, ESPN報道AD正式向球會表示不會續約, 並要求將他交易至爭標隊。球會稍後也證實有關報道。

"Anthony wants to be traded to a team that allows him a chance to win consistently and compete for a championship," Paul told ESPN. "Anthony wanted to be honest and clear with his intentions and that's the reason for informing them of this decision now. That's in the best interests of both Anthony's and the organization's future."

當然, 新奧爾良多年來都未能建立一隊有爭標能力的球隊, 最接近的已是去季有Rajon Rondo和DeMarcus Cousins的一隊, 球隊也取得不俗成績, 還殺入季後賽次圈。惟兩人今季離隊後, 球隊已打回原形, 在季後賽邊緣苦苦掙扎, AD對球隊心淡要求轉會, 似是情有可原。

然而, 改聘經理人一事正是在去季休季發生。空穴來風, 未必無因。究竟是因球隊戰績不佳求去, 還是別有用心的鋪排, 看倌自行定奪。
