[內訌?] 傳聞James Harden與Chris Paul在火箭出局後爆發衝突

侯斯頓火箭在今季的西岸準決賽, 最終以2-4不敵金州勇士, 再度與冠軍無緣:


然而, 賽後約兩星期, 卻有不利消息傳出。據知名記者Shams Charania的報道, 在西岸準決賽第6場落敗之後, 火箭兩位當家球星James Harden和Chris Paul在更衣室曾經發生衝突:


But Harden and Paul had tense moments with one another throughout Game 6, culminating in a verbal back-and-forth postgame that went into the locker room, sources with knowledge of the situation told The Athletic. Sources said the verbal exchange between Harden and Paul was regarding the ball distribution throughout Game 6. By the time the remainder of the locker room was ready to talk, Paul and Harden had gone their separate ways, with Paul swiftly making his way to the postgame podium. The Rockets dispensed with exit interviews this year, so the media hasn’t been able to ask Paul or Harden about the disappointment.

上文大意是在西岸準決賽第6場賽後檢討時, Harden和Paul兩人曾經就「場內的控球權分配」問題有激烈討論, 最終需要其他在場人士分開, 而Paul最終逕自離開。由於火箭今季沒有舉行季後記者會, 因而傳媒也不能追問事件。


然而, 另一知名傳媒人Stephen A. Smith, 則在ESPN的節目中指出傳聞並不屬實:

Charania在文中也有探討火箭今季的其他轉變, 值得一提的是今季火箭因應季初的嚴重傷患問題, 給予Harden更大的「開火權」, 也令Harden今季在個人統計數字方面再創新高, 成為常規賽得分王。至於這個改變是否導致兩大球星衝突的導火線, 則由各位自行定奪。


然而, 火箭今季的整體表現似乎不及上季, 加上Paul黃金期漸過, 季後薪金空間也不多, 如何重整陣容衝擊冠軍已是一大難題。如果衝突傳聞真的屬實, 相信火箭管理層在安撫兩大球星和維持球隊士氣方面, 也要大傷腦筋。


至於火箭班主Tilman Fertitta以下的承諾可否實現, 則有待時間去證明了:

