[急流勇退] 征戰NBA 10載, Darren Collison宣佈退役

征戰NBA 10年, 在今夏成為自由身的控衛Darren Collison, 今日在The Undefeated刊登的公開信中宣佈退役。


引用"While I still love basketball, I know there is something more important, which is my family and my faith," ... "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and my faith means everything to me. I receive so much joy from volunteering to help others and participate in a worldwide ministry. The joy I feel is unmatched. With that being said, I have decided to retire from the NBA."

Collison也表示在過去10年的NBA生涯也獲益良多, 慶幸結交了不少朋友, 並獲得不少球星的鼓勵, 使他追求進步。


引用I am so grateful for all the opportunities that basketball has brought to my life. I have had the privilege over the past 10 years to play in front of some of the best fans and with some of the best organizations in the league....Players such as Victor Oladipo, Russell Westbrook, DeMarcus Cousins, Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, Chris Paul, Stephen Curry, Dwyane Wade, and LeBron James who had a major impact on me competing at the highest level. I either have a close relationship with those that I have mentioned or they inspired me to work harder.

31歲的Collison在2009年選秀會被新奧爾良黃蜂選上, 過去兩季是溜馬隊的後場主力, 與Victor Oladipo成為東岸其中一對最有爆炸力的後場拍擋。過往也曾效力獨行俠, 帝王和快艇, 去季平均取得11.2分, 6次助攻, 2.6個籃板和1.4次偷球, 職業生涯則平均取得12.5分, 5次助攻, 2.7個籃板和1.2次偷球。


由於Collison在今夏成為自由身球員, 以Collison的防守和外圍能力, 原本相信有不少球隊會為他開出平均每年10M美元的合約, 可是在職業生涯共已取得超過43M薪金的Collison卻在此時宣佈引退, 可說是震驚球壇。

