[Westbrook加盟火箭] 總管Daryl Morey透露了更多交易細節

火箭與雷霆的重磅交易已塵埃落定, 而新任火箭控衛Russell Westbrook亦已於早前出席了火箭舉行的記者會:


火箭總管Daryl Morey素來是賭枱上的最大賭徒, 這次交易也幾乎是「梭哈」的一注。而交易後續也有不少報道, 透露了火箭與雷霆這宗交易的更多細節, 圓球也就節錄部份內容:

在火箭總管Daryl Morey和副總裁Rafael Stone乘坐Uber前往火箭在拉斯維加斯的夏季聯盟訓練營途中。


在雷霆送走Paul George的一刻, Daryl Morey便知道交易機會來臨, 於是便開始與雷霆接觸。


根據Daryl Morey的表述, 在商討交易期間, 一直知悉交易一事的當家球星James Harden更曾一度按捺不住向Daryl Morey查問交易何時才完成:

引用“At one point, James asked me, ‘Why is it taking so long?'” Morey said. “I told him, ‘Dude, your trade took me five months.'”

7年前, James Harden交易至火箭, 花了足足5個月, 所以今次只需6天, 已算是很快了。

- 火箭原意是希望透過三方交易, 取得Russell Westbrook以外的更多交易籌碼。而火箭與雷霆完成協議後, 火箭欲再次與其他球隊商討三方交易的可行性, 可是最終未能如願:

引用"I didn't think the pieces lined up. That's why a three-team deal made sense. And I thought other teams would be more involved than we were; teams that had more fits."

- 雷霆只願意兩隊直接交易, 並主要希望取得選秀權, 最終雙方都同意以較遠期(2024及2026年)的第一輪選秀權, 加上雷霆交換2021及2025年第一輪選秀權的權利, 完成交易:

引用"The biggest thing was to make sure they're not rolling forward so you can trade specific years still. And we wanted to make sure we never gave up a very high pick. We wanted to make sure that we were never giving up a pick that had a really high probability of being a great pick in the future. They wanted later-out picks, which was fine."


- 交易的另一方, 被送走的Chris Paul, 也一直有被火箭知會正與其他球隊商討交易事宜。最終交易完成後, 也是由Daryl Morey致電告訴Chris Paul這殘酷的現實。

Daryl Morey直言這交易會令Chris Paul更討厭自己, 尤其是兩季前距離總決賽只是咫尺之間:

引用"I hated that call," Morey said. "I'm sure he hated it more. He's been such a great player for us. We were moments away from winning a title with him."
