[從一而終?] 受到Kobe和Dirk的啟發, Zion Williamson希望一直效力鵜鶘

今夏其中一位最受注目的球員, 必定是新秀狀元Zion Williamson。


這位在毫無懸念下成為狀元的超級新人, 最近接受網站Complex.com的專訪, 談及了加入NBA後對隊友, 球隊和個人的期望。


對Lonzo Ball的評價
Zion Williamson認為從湖人轉會的Lonzo Ball在鵜鶘打出較快的進攻節奏, 可以一展所長, 有能力成為NBA最佳控衛之一:

引用I’m expecting Lonzo to come into his own. I’m not saying he wasn't himself in L.A., but now he’s in a scenario where he can truly be himself. We’re about to play a super-fast-paced game. I think we all trust him with the ball and all trust him to make the right read. You’ve seen it, I’ve seen it. He’s a playmaker. He makes the right plays.

Zion Williamson認為以現有班底, 鵜鶘有力成為爭奪冠軍的球隊之一, 但現時球隊仍需要時間建立默契, 也要因應隊友的打法作出調整:

引用Me being confident in my teammates, I would say I think the ceiling is [a] championship. But I have to be realistic about this. I have high expectations for us, but you gotta see how we’re gonna work. I think we are going to work, but it does take time to adjust to each player—knowing what they like to do, finding out their tendencies. So I think the quicker we find out those things, I think we have a very high ceiling.


Zion Williamson表示如果球隊今季能奪冠, 他又不感到意外, 就如季初速龍也沒有太多人看好一樣。然而, Zion Williamson也認為球隊能夠有令人驚喜的演出:

引用Yeah, we can win it. I think everybody has that on their minds. View it as just one ball—whoever can put the ball through the hoop more times will get the most points, and that’s who wins. Get the most stops—just gotta see who wins. I try to look at it from that point of view and not from who’s on which team. Any given night, I learned it in college, you can lose a game.


被問及Zion Williamson會否只把鵜鶘隊視為踏腳石, Zion Williamson坦言希望像Kobe Bryant和Dirk Nowitzki兩位出道至退休都效力同一球隊的傳奇球員一樣, 能夠一直效力鵜鶘:

引用I’m gonna try to give you the best answer I can give. Personally, I’ve always told myself I want to stay with one team. Growing up, I loved what Kobe did and Dirk did, and I think if anybody’s a Michael Jordan fan, they kinda erase the Wizards thing. He still did very well there, but at the end of the day, I don’t think people look at it from the business point of view. Some people want to stay with one team but they get traded. My intentions are to stay with the Pelicans my whole career, but if something happens, I wouldn’t leave because I hate the place. It’s just the business.


對日後會否與Duke大學隊友RJ Barrett合作的看法
Zion Williamson坦言早已與RJ Barrett談及這個問題, 或許在日後有機會合作就最好不過。但如果兩人能在各自球隊取得成功, 這個想法或許也就作罷。

引用Yeah, we talked about it in college a lot. We kinda talked about it as we were both going to get our careers started and see how it goes. I mean, if we can possibly link up in the future, that would be great. But we both understand that if things are going well in our prospective cities, we’ll just kind of leave it there.

在訪問裏Zion Williamson也有談及對即將推出的NBA2K內能力值的看法, 有興趣的球迷也可到以下連結閱讀整個訪問:
