奧斯卡提名|Jimmy Kimmel不解《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》敗給《千萬別抬頭》:《千》爛番茄評分得46%

第94屆奧斯卡金像獎入圍名單已於日前(8日)公布,獲「最佳電影」獎提名的10部作品包括:《Belfast》、《心之旋律》(CODA)、《千萬別抬頭》(Don’t Look Up)、《Drive My Car》《沙丘瀚戰》(Dune)、《王者世家》(King Richard)、《Licorice Pizza》、《Nightmare Alley》、《犬山記》(The Power of the Dog)、《西城故事》(West Side Story)。美國名嘴Jimmy Kimmel(吉米金摩 )得知消息後,在其節目大呼不解,表示「為何《蜘蛛俠:不戰無歸》不入圍「最佳電影」?」,更點名指出「不明白為何《千萬別抬頭》比《蜘》更好」!

Jimmy Kimmel說道:「《蜘》為甚麼沒能獲得10部最佳電影提名之一?別忘記這部電影在美國賺了7.5億美元,而且還在繼續。這是一部很棒的電影。它竟然不在年度最佳電影前 10名中?裡面有三個蜘蛛俠。你竟然告訴我《千》比《蜘》好?肯定不是。」
引用“How did 'Spider-Man: No Way Home' not get one of the 10 nominations for best picture?” Kimmel asked viewers. “Forget the fact that the movie made $750 million (in the U.S.) and is still going. This was a great movie. It wasn’t in the top 10 best movies of the year? There were three Spider-Men in it. You’re telling me 'Don’t Look Up' was better than 'Spider-Man' ? It most certainly was not.”

他還指:「如果你去看爛番茄上的評分,《千》只得 46%,而《蜘》有 90%。」
引用“Even if you go by the critics reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, ‘Don’t Look Up’ got a 46% and ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ has 90%.”

隨後,Jimmy Kimmel指出一個諷刺的現象:「為什麼最佳電影提名必須(題材)認真?這是甚麼時候成為獲得奧斯卡獎提名的先決條件?你知道嗎?觀眾看了看名單,看到里安納度狄卡比奧和梅麗史翠普的名字,就會為他們投票,然後開車載孩子去看《蜘蛛俠》。他們喜歡這部電影!卻沒有為它投票。」
“Why do best picture nominees have to be serious? When did that become a prerequisite for getting nominated for an Academy Award? You wanna know what happened? Voters looked at the list and saw the names Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep and they checked the box and then they put their kids in the car and went to see the movie ‘Spider-Man.’ And they loved it! But they didn’t vote for it.”


資料&圖片來源:YouTube@Jimmy Kimmel Live、IMDb、Netflix
