擁有專屬唇膏色盤? 夏日唇膏顏色 超薄粉底 裸色唇膏

可能好多人都覺得一支支唇膏, 個款個樣好靚.
當然, 市面上不同品牌都有出好多不同既palette,
但係其實好多時候, 內裡都會夾雜左一些你未必用得著既顏色,

所以今日, 我就為大家介紹 “如何自製專屬唇膏色盤?”

Being a makeup artist, I like lipsticks palette rather than a lipstick.
It's more convenience and attractive for me.
There are many different brands provide kinds of palettes, but some of colours are useless mostly.
That's why I am going to introduce "how to create your own lipsticks palette?"

我整過兩款既palette, 一款係想張所有唇膏全放入去,
方便攜帶, 冇諗過任何外表冇諗過裡面既顏色,
連個盒都係旺角既格仔舖買, 一心想方便就ok.
相信以上兩款, 都係大家平時係格仔舖睇到既款!!!
These below palette box photos are some of I did used before. I didn't concern the outlook of that. The main purpose of using them is "convenience".

所以我係US訂左一個coastal scents 既interchange palettes.
Gorgeous is worth to go in for!!!!
Therefore, I ordered the interchange palette from coastal scents US.

所以揀左12款唇膏製作我的summer collection lipsticks palette.
Finally, I finished my own summer collection lipsticks palette!

接落黎12日, 會有12個selfies 去做lipsticks matching既妝容!
12 selfies for lipstick matching in coming 12 days!

First selfie:

Day Makeup for working day:
Focus Cosmetics Products:

(1) Armani Face Fabric Foundation

首先要介紹我自己係一個好懶既人, Merci~Merci~
係Armani, 我最中意呢正"懶人粉底",
除左係由我至愛既model - Sasha Pivovarova 代言之外
First of all, I have to introduce myself that I am the laziest person in the world... Merci~Merci~
The requirement of my foundation are very light and save time.
Thus, this foundation is one of my favourites.
Except the spokesperson of this foundation is my favourite model - Sasha Pivovarova,

(講完, 大家應該明點解我叫Sasha啦, 中2個時已經改架啦^^)
重有佢mousse to powder 既配方,
感覺好滑, 重唔需要落碎粉,
所以春夏呢d日子, 我就會特別推薦呢款粉底^^
(Then you know the origin of my name!^^)
its formula of mousse to powder makes the texture to be very smooth,
I can use it without any loose powder.
Effects of it are really matte and refresh,
So, I must recommend this foundation for coming Summer!!!

(2) NYX Round Lipstick
Colour: Indian Pink

望落去好自然, 配合一個自然日妝, 剛剛好!
Lips colour of the first selfie is "IRIS",
it trends to nude colour but with little pearl colour.
That's good for natural day makeup matching.

效果放左上咀, 如下:
Effect as below:


標籤: 唇膏色盤  夏日唇膏  粉底  裸色  唇膏  化妝  美容  夏天