天空藍指甲 指甲油 指甲光療

剛踏入夏天, 我已經搽左好多不同既顏色既指甲油~
當然, 最夏天既梗係紅, 藍, 黃, 橙啦.
I also want to tell you somethings about nails!!!!
I have tried different sharp colour polishes in this beginning of SUMMER~
The most suitable colour for SUMMER must be RED & BLUE & YELLOW & ORANGE!~ =)

普通玩色既指甲油, 我已經玩左好多正顏色.
識玩既, 一定識玩soft gel...^^
Colourful life with Colourful Nails,
I feel a bit bored in nail polishes, so anything else?
Then, I think I can use the Soft Gel...^^

其實如果要整得靚, 大家千其唔好學我張玩野相咁低B!
我個人經驗, 覺得襟D同靚D都要花時間既...
Actually, don't follow the stupid photo if you want to make it nice!
For my personal experience in doing soft gel, we should do the entire steps for each nail.

首先, 同大家講解一下步驟先!
(1) 先用NAIL CLEANSER去除指甲面上既油份, 抹乾
(2) 然後用BASE POLISH, 照燈
(3) 用COLOUR POLISH 搽一浸, 照燈
(4) 再搽第二浸, 照燈
(5) 之後, 用TOP POLISH搽一浸, 照燈
(6) 最後, 再用NAIL FINISH去固定
Hence, let me explain the steps first!
(1) Use NAIL CLEANSER to clean the oil of the nail surface
(2) Then, use the BASE POLISH once, light
(3) Use COLOUR POLISH once, light
(4) Second time for COLOUR POLISH, light
(5) After that, TOP POLISH once, light
(6) Finally, NAIL FINISH fixed them

最後我既sky blue soft gel就完成了!
為左襯到絕, 我重特別著左件一樣顔色既恤衫!!!
My sky blue soft gel as above!
For Perfect Matching, I did wear the same colour shirt!!!

SKYBLUE DAY 效果圖, 如下:
Effect as below:

如果大家想睇下我其他化妝portfolio同我生活日常好無聊好無聊既事, 可以去以下既地方欣賞!!!!LOL~
If you want to know more about ME, check out the place as below!!!!LOL~

Instagram: #sashawongmua
Website: http://www.sashawongmakeup.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sasha.wong.makeup/
Inquiries: [email protected]

