星期五 happy friday - soft tune makeup 紫色 柔和妝容

終於又到happy friday啦~~~~~~~^^
所以整個夏天除左要sharp colour之外,
都要試下d溫柔d感覺既自己 - 柔和感妝容。
淡紫色同霧感唇妝,做返一個soft tune感覺。
Happy Friday~~~~~~~
As I will have a dating with my boyfriend,
Thus, girls should have different style in makeup,
especially soft tune makeup.

(1) 眼妝 Eyes Makeup:
  • Make Up For Ever 6-Palette - Colour: Parma Purple

Colour of palette is apparent and with translucent,
Sometimes, I prefer soft and natural eyes makeup in summer.
Purple is quite similar as pink, which is difficult to carry for Asian,
So the makeup demonstration of today is going to change your mindset for purple colour.

Eyes Close Up:

Colour Distribution:

霧感唇妝 Lips Makeup:
  • elf essential lipstick #7712

On my lips:

如果大家想睇下我其他化妝portfolio同我生活日常好無聊好無聊既事, 可以去以下既地方欣賞!!!!LOL~
If you want to know more about ME, check out the place as below!!!!LOL~

Instagram: #sashawongmua
Website: http://www.sashawongmakeup.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sasha.wong.makeup/
Blog: http://sashawongmakeup.blogspot.hk/
Inquiries: [email protected]


標籤: makeup  purple  friday  約會  柔和