china 的搜尋結果


EQS Press Release 於 1 天前發表

From September 14 to 15, the 16th China (Liuyang) International Fireworks Cultural Festival was successfully hosted in Liuyang. By the brilliantly lit Liuyang River gathe...

EQS Press Release 於 02/09/2024 發表

Recently, China Hongqiao (01378.HK), a global market leader in the aluminum industry, released a remarkable interim results announcement, attracting significant market atte...

EQS Press Release 於 27/08/2024 發表

PetroChina Posted Another Record High Operating Results for 1H 2024 (26 August 2024) – PetroChina Company Limited (“PetroChina” or the “Company”, HKSE: 00857, SSE: 601857)...

HKLifestyle 於 12/06/2024 發表

Tencent Smart Retail and Tencent Cloud International joined hands with the Italy China Council Foundation (ICCF) in hosting a thematic exchange event called "The New Era of...

mensuno HK 於 18/04/2024 發表

第62屆勞力士中國海帆船賽在4月2日完滿舉行,由本地船隻「Happy Go號」領先「Standard Insurance Centennial V號」5分鐘時間完成賽事,奪得衝線榮譽和IRC 全場總冠軍,成為本屆賽事雙料冠軍得主。「海浪號」和「Standard Insurance Centennial V號」則分別奪得全場總成績和IRC競賽0...

EQS Press Release 於 11/03/2024 發表

China Hongqiao (01378.HK) Profits Surge, New Offshore Bond Issuance Expected In 2023, China's aluminum industry has witnessed significant growth, fueled by the gradual re...

EQS Press Release 於 06/02/2024 發表

PetroChina Company Limited Intends to Deregister and Terminate Its Reporting Obligations Under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Beijing, Feb 5, 2024 – PetroChina C...

你不可錯過的超抵優惠 於 15/01/2024 發表

新年行大運!華懋集團旗下好運中心自翻新後驚喜一浪接一浪,今個春節乘勢推出賀年主題活動——「財源滾滾 • 新春滿LUCK」,於1月27日至2月25日期間以新春主題裝置和遊戲向大家拜個早年,在喜氣洋洋的日子再添幸福!新年限定歡慶幻彩燈先於正門位置迎接大家,祝願大家有個「Happy Lucky Year」!另外還有三大新年限定打卡區,讓你...

EQS Press Release 於 11/12/2023 發表

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Intends to Deregister and Terminate Its Reporting Obligations Under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934 NEW YORK, December 8, ...

光影言志辨 於 18/11/2023 發表

近日,鄧紫棋喺IG社交平台發文官宣:《喜歡你》MV成為了她在YouTube上第五首破億的歌曲,至此,鄧紫棋成為了首位5首Youtube-MV破億華語歌手。五首歌分別是《光年之外》、《再見》、《倒數》、《來自點天堂的魔鬼》、《喜歡你》。 嬌小玲瓏嘅鄧紫棋(G.E.M.1991.08.16)難怪有「Taylor Swift of China...

EQS Press Release 於 30/10/2023 發表

China Hongqiao (01378) released a strong value signal: The subsidiary's profit increased significantly quarter on quarter, and the certainty of growth was strengthened An...

EQS Press Release 於 14/06/2023 發表

The Undervalued Potential of China Wantian Holdings Limited (SEHK:1854): A Case for Investment China Wantian Holdings Limited (SEHK: 1854) has established a strong foot...

EQS Press Release 於 02/05/2023 發表

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Files 2022 Annual Report on Form 20-F NEW YORK, April 28, 2023 -- China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (“Sinopec Corp.” or the “C...

EQS Press Release 於 02/05/2023 發表

PetroChina Filed Annual Report on Form 20-F Beijing, April 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- PetroChina Company Limited (the “Company”) (HKSE 0857; SSE 601857) announced today that...

mensuno HK 於 18/04/2023 發表

「2023年勞力士中國海帆船賽」於4月5日上午11時20分在維多利亞港展開,獲19艘來自本地、中國內地以及菲律賓的船隊參與。選手須駕駛帆船跨越南中國海,往終點菲律賓蘇碧灣進發,賽程長達565海里,須時兩至五日完成,考驗帆船運動員之航海技術、體力、耐力以及團隊合作精神,是為亞洲帆船運動一大盛事。 勞力士鼎力支持帆船運動 「2023年勞力士中...

EQS Press Release 於 31/03/2023 發表

China’s Milk Producing Areas Poised to Win on Quality, a Range of Indicators Shows Auckland,New Zealand--“47° N, The Latitude of Global Treasures”, a documentary trailer ...

深夜清酒梳打 於 13/01/2023 發表

出身香港的28歲南韓男團GOT7成員王嘉爾(Jackson Wang)正舉行個人世界巡迴演唱會,近日他在倫敦站台上爆粗鬧爆外媒,不滿媒體對中國進行不實報導(相信與疫情及政治有關),片段在內地瘋傳,中國網民大表支持,讚揚其言行熱血愛國。 王嘉爾說道:「我是來自中國的王嘉爾,我不理其他狗屁東西,中國是我的家鄉,我的祖國。聽著!聽著!有...

EQS Press Release 於 12/08/2022 發表


EQS Press Release 於 12/08/2022 發表

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Announces Intention to Delist American Depositary Shares from the New York Stock Exchange NEW YORK, August 12, 2022 -- China Petrol...

EQS Press Release 於 04/08/2022 發表

CAR Inc. rated the most satisfactory brand by customers in China’s car rental industry in 2022 Hong Kong/July 20.2022/ CAR Inc. On July 20, Chnbrand, an established brand...

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