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EQS Press Release 於 1 天前發表

From September 14 to 15, the 16th China (Liuyang) International Fireworks Cultural Festival was successfully hosted in Liuyang. By the brilliantly lit Liuyang River gathe...

EQS Press Release 於 02/09/2024 發表

After a company is listed on the stock exchange, it is merely a newcomer in the capital markets. Future success depends not only on its own efforts but also on the collabor...

EQS Press Release 於 02/09/2024 發表

On August 28, Airdoc Technology (2251.HK) announced its 2024 interim results, demonstrating continued solid growth. In the first half of 2024, Airdoc Technology achieved r...

EQS Press Release 於 30/08/2024 發表

On August 28th, Huitongda Network Co., Ltd. (9878. HK) released its financial report for the first half of 2024, when the company proactively adjusted its development strat...

EQS Press Release 於 27/08/2024 發表

PetroChina Posted Another Record High Operating Results for 1H 2024 (26 August 2024) – PetroChina Company Limited (“PetroChina” or the “Company”, HKSE: 00857, SSE: 601857)...

EQS Press Release 於 23/07/2024 發表

London, UK - July 23, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Convenit Consultants unveils its solutions for international business expansion, based on their understanding and approach in thi...

EQS Press Release 於 19/04/2024 發表

PaySaxas Unveils International Invoices Solution, Mastering Cross-Border Payments Vancouver, Canada - April 19, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - PaySaxas recently has launched its i...

EQS Press Release 於 09/04/2024 發表

GCL Tech Officially Cease to Hold Equity Interest in Xinjiang Goens Committed to Transformation of Embracing the Granular Silicon Technology On April 7, 2024, learning f...

EQS Press Release 於 03/04/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc New management appointments in Kazakhstan Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Group”) announces significant strengthening of the man...

EQS Press Release 於 02/04/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc New Board member Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal” or the “Company”) announces a new appointment to its Board of Directors. Omar Mahmoo...

EQS Press Release 於 28/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Integrated Annual Report 2023 Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company”) publishes its Integrated Annual Report for the year ende...

港‧波‧佬 於 19/03/2024 發表

今年夏天,難道是「在最好時刻分離」的季節?繼利物浦領隊高普一月底宣佈,將於季尾結束九季紅軍執教生涯,執教弗賴堡超過12年、連同青年軍教練更已效忠球會29載的主帥史特拉治(Christian Streich),周一亦公佈將於球季結束後交棒,期盼為球會注入新的能量。消息公佈後,各界混雜不捨與祝福之情的訊息紛至沓來,畢竟這位58歲鐵血教練為弗賴堡以...

EQS Press Release 於 15/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2023 Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company” or the Group) announces the ...

EQS Press Release 於 12/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Completion of divestment of Russian business Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company” or the “Group”) announces that following s...

你不可錯過的超抵優惠 於 29/02/2024 發表

婦女節又係一眾女士自我獎勵的好時機,男士們也可藉這日子向女士們表達關懷及愛護! Häagen-Dazs™️ 共同創辦人Rose Mattus,60年代已無懼「男主外、女主內」的世俗眼光,成為雪糕研發家丈夫Reuben的最佳Marketing拍檔,令品牌成為世界頂級雪糕。 由即日起至3月12日期間 Häagen-Dazs™️ 推出【C...

樂雪去旅行 於 31/12/2023 發表

Winter Wonderland @ 海德公園 在倫敦市中心海德公園的冬日嘉年華,算是每年倫敦的盛事,由十一月中至一月一日,一連六星期舉行,有戶外溜冰場、機動遊戲、馬戲表演、冰雕展、冰雕工作坊、攤位遊戲、ice bar 、食店與聖誕市集等等 一提起Winter Wonderland,不少人立即說很「燒錢」喔,也是,要入場費,玩任何...

EQS Press Release 於 12/12/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc: Results of GM Polymetal International plc Results of GM Polymetal International plc (the “Company”) announces that at the General Meeting (“GM...

EQS Press Release 於 23/11/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc Offer to exchange certain shares currently affected by the EU asset freeze on NSD and Notice of General Meeting Polymetal International...

EQS Press Release 於 31/10/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc Q3 2023 production results Polymetal International plc reports production results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2023. “In Q3, we re...

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