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EQS Press Release 於 1 天前發表

From September 14 to 15, the 16th China (Liuyang) International Fireworks Cultural Festival was successfully hosted in Liuyang. By the brilliantly lit Liuyang River gathe...

EQS Press Release 於 23/07/2024 發表

London, UK - July 23, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Convenit Consultants unveils its solutions for international business expansion, based on their understanding and approach in thi...

EQS Press Release 於 19/04/2024 發表

PaySaxas Unveils International Invoices Solution, Mastering Cross-Border Payments Vancouver, Canada - April 19, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - PaySaxas recently has launched its i...

EQS Press Release 於 03/04/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc New management appointments in Kazakhstan Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Group”) announces significant strengthening of the man...

EQS Press Release 於 02/04/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc New Board member Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal” or the “Company”) announces a new appointment to its Board of Directors. Omar Mahmoo...

EQS Press Release 於 28/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Integrated Annual Report 2023 Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company”) publishes its Integrated Annual Report for the year ende...

EQS Press Release 於 15/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2023 Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company” or the Group) announces the ...

EQS Press Release 於 12/03/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc Completion of divestment of Russian business Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal”, the “Company” or the “Group”) announces that following s...

你不可錯過的超抵優惠 於 29/02/2024 發表

婦女節又係一眾女士自我獎勵的好時機,男士們也可藉這日子向女士們表達關懷及愛護! Häagen-Dazs™️ 共同創辦人Rose Mattus,60年代已無懼「男主外、女主內」的世俗眼光,成為雪糕研發家丈夫Reuben的最佳Marketing拍檔,令品牌成為世界頂級雪糕。 由即日起至3月12日期間 Häagen-Dazs™️ 推出【C...

EQS Press Release 於 12/12/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc: Results of GM Polymetal International plc Results of GM Polymetal International plc (the “Company”) announces that at the General Meeting (“GM...

EQS Press Release 於 23/11/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc Offer to exchange certain shares currently affected by the EU asset freeze on NSD and Notice of General Meeting Polymetal International...

EQS Press Release 於 31/10/2023 發表

Polymetal International plc Q3 2023 production results Polymetal International plc reports production results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2023. “In Q3, we re...

EQS Press Release 於 06/03/2023 發表

TES and SCG International Collaborate to Create Clean Energy Solutions in Thailand SCG International Corporation Co., Ltd., Cement-Building Materials Business, one of Thail...

EQS Press Release 於 18/03/2022 發表

New Player in town,Dragon Victory International Enters Cryptocurrency Derivatives Market Recently the market has entered the earnings season of listed companies. Each com...

EQS Press Release 於 08/02/2022 發表

IPO News | Huitongda Network (9878) International Offering Oversubscribed Zhitongcaijing APP was informed that Huitongda Network (09878), "the first public company focusin...

YNWA 於 10/12/2019 發表

1)今晚利記頭場作客薩爾斯堡,同組拿坡里主場迎戰已出局的亨克。簡單而言,利物浦贏波首名出線,和波也可出線,輸波要睇拿坡里的賽果。 2場比賽同時進行,可能出現的結果如下: 利記 勝=首名+拿坡里 任何賽果=次名 利記 和=次名+拿坡里 勝=首名 利記 和=首名+拿坡里 和或敗=次名 利記 敗(除了5:4) =次名+拿坡里 敗=薩爾斯堡首...

品味生活與勞碌工作的界線 於 18/09/2019 發表

於2019年9月13日倫敦時裝週期間,The Standard, London酒店邀請世界各地的賓客一同慶祝酒店隆重開幕,並為令人期待已久的10樓揭開神秘面紗。 在熱鬧的倫敦時裝週期間,貴賓乘搭特快的「紅色觀景子彈電梯」直達10樓,甫踏出電梯,便看到落地玻璃窗外的倫敦繁華景致,還有由Shawn Hausman打造、令人眼前一亮的室內裝潢。國...

Jane World for Food 於 04/09/2019 發表

以前覺得小朋友年紀小小,是否真的有需要上playgroup、興趣班之類。但當自己做了媽媽後,就明白了這一切都是為了自己的小孩子。 我家靜靜比較慢熱,而且很少機會接觸到差不多年紀的小朋友。加上0-3歲是小朋友腦部發展的重要時期,所以及早讓小孩接觸外語,有助提升學習語言的能力。於是,我便帶靜靜去了以英語授課的MAGART Internat...

品味生活與勞碌工作的界線 於 23/08/2019 發表

繼於倫敦矚目開業的The Standard後,酒店母公司Standard International宣佈於馬爾代夫開設The Standard, Huruvalhi Maldives度假酒店,酒店位於魯阿環礁和巴阿環礁之間的小島上,只需乘坐短途水上飛機便可前往馬累機場。 酒店集團在亞洲的首間項目,共有115間私人連泳池別墅。The Stan...

Kami 嘉美 ❤ 貪靚鬼 於 11/08/2019 發表

差不多一歲既麥皮妹妹, 麥皮媽都開始準備睇 Playgroup 資料,希望佢可以多接觸唔同既事物! 早前就同麥皮妹妹去左 MAGART International Kindergarten 既黃埔分校試堂! 佢地既教育理念係讓幼兒快樂體驗,探索思考,認知學習,感受學習的樂趣, 激發幼兒潛能,促進幼兒個性化全面發展,體驗不一樣的...

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