安歷卡 的搜尋結果
安歷卡離開車路士球會已進入倒計時,此前有來自《每日郵報》的消息稱,車路士球會甚至已經將他在更衣室內的儲衣櫃也清空了,並且又禁止其再使用球會一線隊的訓練設施。 當然,藍軍高層自然不會再為法國前鋒保留一個訓練場外的停車位,無奈之下,安歷卡只得把自己價值18萬鎊的豪車停在街邊,而此舉也使得他收到違章停車的罰單。 「當時我看到安歷卡正在交警...
Chelsea boss Villas-Boas eyes Chilean forward Vargas as Anelka's replacement Chelsea want to kick-start their squad overhaul with the signing of Eduardo Vargas. The Univ...
Anelka misses Blues trip Frenchman left in London for Champions League encounter Rumours linking Nicolas Anelka with a January move to China were fuelled when the striker...
據法國權威媒體《隊報》報導,車路士前鋒安歷卡答應以1060萬歐元年薪的條件加盟中超上海申花隊。 《隊報》稱,雖然安歷卡將在1月離開車路士並不令人感到意外,但他的選擇還是著實出乎人們的意料。車路士方面表示將根據阿內爾卡的表現選擇是否與其續約,但安歷卡拒絕了這種條件。 據悉32歲的安歷卡已經答應以1060萬歐元(約合9100萬人民幣)年...
每日郵報:保亞斯更衣室內大鬧安歷卡 英國《每日郵報》獲得的消息,在上週末0-1輸給QPR之後,車路士主帥保亞斯在更衣室內大罵法國前鋒安歷卡,後者在比賽的最後時刻錯過了一個不錯的頭球。 該報稱,比賽結束後的保亞斯曾對當值主裁判弗伊的表現非常不滿,他也把怒氣出到了安歷卡身上,並且在更衣室內抨擊這位32歲的法國前鋒。值得一提的是,安歷卡在周...
【nowSports新聞組】本輪英超重量級大戰,車路士前鋒杜奧巴鐵定受傷無緣鬥榜首曼聯。 本輪英超重量級大戰,車路士前鋒杜奧巴(Didier Drogba)鐵定受傷缺陣,無緣硬鬥榜首曼聯,對他及車路士可謂打擊沉重。 33歲的科特迪瓦老將杜奧巴,開季迄今僅上陣一場,領隊保亞斯在其頭部受傷之後,不願作出冒險,決定在本周硬撼曼聯也收起「魔...
Villas-Boas: Set to make changes Chelsea boss Andre Villas-Boas has confirmed that he will makes changes to his side for their Champions League opener against Bayer Leve...
Chelsea duo Drogba, Anelka among previous LA Galaxy targets 23.08.11 | Andrew Slevison Prior to Robbie Keane’s arrival at LA Galaxy last week, the MLS club had their sig...
Nicolas Anelka is happy to be playing with Fernando Torres at Chelsea. Anelka welcomes the healthy competition and believes Torres, who took time to settle following his...
Nicolas Anelka: Didier Drogba has nothing to prove at Chelsea Frenchman insists that the former Marseille forward's past exploits speak for themselves despite the arrival o...
Anelka, Kalou on shaky ground at Chelsea 27.06.11 | tribalfootball.com Salomon Kalou and Nicolas Anelka still face shaky futures at Chelsea. The Daily Express says Gal...
車路士門將施治近日同傳媒講,話曼聯08年晌莫斯科嘅歐聯決賽根本就無擊敗過佢哋,只係曼聯有運先贏到... 雖然身為曼聯fans, 都需承認嗰年係有啲幸運成分,但始終冠軍都係屬於我哋... 希望今年都係一樣,幸運之神都眷顧喺曼聯身上,尤其係首回合,畢竟曼聯好耐未晌史丹福橋到贏過... 依家就同大家重溫一下當年射12碼嘅情況喇~~ 日期:200...