CES 的搜尋結果


EQS Press Release 於 13 小時前發表

Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the Board of Directors has approved the construction of green energy power plants at Varv...

EQS Press Release 於 16 小時前發表

Singapore, Prime Group, under the leadership of CEO Karim Bouhout, proudly unveils its $60 billion investment fund, designed to supercharge oil exploration, mining, and agr...

EQS Press Release 於 16/09/2024 發表

“Solidcore Resources reports robust financial results, demonstrating growth in sales and positive free cash flow in the first half of the year, underpinned by reliable oper...

EQS Press Release 於 02/09/2024 發表

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - September 02, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - JP Legal, a leading law firm operating across the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), has established itself as a prem...

EQS Press Release 於 05/08/2024 發表

Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) reports production results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. “In Q2, we demonstrated solid production resul...

EQS Press Release 於 23/07/2024 發表

London, UK - July 23, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Convenit Consultants unveils its solutions for international business expansion, based on their understanding and approach in thi...

年青人世界 於 16/07/2024 發表

西班牙新星拉明耶馬(Lamine Yamal)橫空出世,15歲就踢西甲,16歲就為西班牙贏得歐洲國家盃,和他比較的已經是美斯的級別。而意大利都有另一名新星正在摩拳擦掌,等待他的機會。 圖片來源:goal.com 他叫卡馬達(Francesco Camarda),卡馬達已迅速成為歐洲足壇其中一位最有前途的天才。年僅 16 歲的他在各項青...

你不可錯過的超抵優惠 於 11/07/2024 發表

為了探討「傳承」概念,由香港設計中心(Hong Kong Design Centre)主辦的「設計光譜」(Design Spectrum)呈獻一連三部分的主題展覽「接棒未來」(PASS THE BATON),早前已舉行了第一部分的「過界」,以全新角度探討了傳承的價值,反應熱烈。第二部「超頻」(FROM PROCESS TO PROGRES...

EQS Press Release 於 25/06/2024 發表

Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) on 24 June 2024 has served an application to delist the Company’s shares (ticker: POLY, ISIN JE00B6T5S470) from the M...

EQS Press Release 於 12/06/2024 發表

Polymetal International plc has changed its name to Solidcore Resources plc (the “Company”. The decision to rename the company was proposed by the Board of Directors and ap...

EQS Press Release 於 19/04/2024 發表

PaySaxas Unveils International Invoices Solution, Mastering Cross-Border Payments Vancouver, Canada - April 19, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - PaySaxas recently has launched its i...

EQS Press Release 於 28/03/2024 發表

現代牙科集團越南ACESO生產基地正式開幕 (2024年3月28日,香港) 全球領先的義齒器材供應商 - 現代牙科集團有限公司(簡稱「現代牙科集團」或「本集團」,股份代號:03600.HK)於越南同奈設立的ACESO生產基地開幕儀式圓滿舉行,揭開越南生產設施嶄新運營的序幕,開啟集團在全球市場加速發展的新征程。 ACESO項目...

HKLifestyle 於 26/03/2024 發表

Tencent Cloud EdgeOne recently announced a technology-inclusive program by offering free trials of its personal package to startups, aiming to support their business explor...

mensreads 於 21/03/2024 發表

Sports integrity 專家 Starlizard Integrity Services (SIS) 已將 2023 年全球舉辦的 167 場足球比賽確定為可疑比賽。在一項涵蓋 65,000 多場足球比賽的重要研究中,SIS 發現有 167 場比賽(0.26%)存在潛在操縱跡象。這一數字較 2022 年發現的數量(144 場)增加了...

EQS Press Release 於 07/03/2024 發表

Global Recognition Awards Introduces Recognition Standards, Which Are Establishing New Benchmarks in the Business Sector New York, NY - 07/03/2024 - (SeaPRwire) - Global ...

EQS Press Release 於 04/03/2024 發表

BruntWork Releases Virtual Assistant Services for Small Businesses New York, NY - 04/03/2024 - (SeaPRwire) - BruntWork is proud to release its virtual assistant services ...

HKLifestyle 於 30/01/2024 發表

PS5 Access控制器全球是與無障礙社群一同努力五年的產品,為了慶祝這一刻,PlayStation邀請了一些社群中的朋友分享他們的看法以及PS5 Access控制器對他們的意義,請參考下方資訊連結。 PS5 Access控制器最新影片請見PlayStation.Blog:https://blog.zh-hant.playstation...

年青人世界 於 23/01/2024 發表

車仔今季前場把握力欠佳,英超官網數據顯示,他們至今創造45個黃金機會,位列第5,比排第3和第4的兵工廠和維拉都要多,但他們如今只排在第9位,卻已是今季最高位置,因此整個轉會窗屢傳他們將會重金購入一名前鋒,拿玻里的域陀奧森漢 (Victor Osimhen)和賓福特艾雲東尼(Ivan Toney)都在雷達範圍。 圖片來源:premierl...

愛範兒 於 16/01/2024 發表

與其説這幾年的 CES(國際消費電子展)越來越像一場車展,不如説汽車越來越像一輛會自己動的電子產品,尤其是在電動化之後,電池電機電控和座艙之間的聯繫更為順暢緊密,座艙在賣點上的重要性也越來越靠前。 到了 2023 年底前後發佈的重磅新車,基本上智能座艙芯片都更新到了高通驍龍 8295,像新奔馳 E 級這樣本身智能化水平不那麼高的車型,甚至還...

EQS Press Release 於 04/12/2023 發表

ADFO Summit hosts 167 Family Offices as the UAE is increasing becoming a hub for Family Offices On the 23rd November 2023, one day before Abu Dhabi F1, three days before A...

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