makeupforever 的搜尋結果
之前講過會用star powder, 示範d兩色唇妝, 但好多是用於creative makeup, 少日常生活中既唇妝, 所以今日示範既兩種顏色配搭, 差異不會太大,比較易於接受! I gave the advance notice last time, I will launch a post for talking about 2-c...
今日會介紹紫色同螢光粉紅眼影, 打造一個可愛甜美既妝,雖然我幅自拍好chok^_^ 而且亦會搭配三款唇妝, 令到一個眼影妝可以有更多變化! Purple Colour & Shocking Pink Eyes makeup today, desired to be a cutie, btw my selfie is very "chok" ...
講個秘密比大家知,其實我係一個濕粉控...XD~ ***Foundation addicted. XD... 每一個彩妝底下, 其實最重要係個粉底, 就好似每個女仔如果素顏既時候, 皮膚唔差, 相信都加分好多, 所以粉底其實係比你第二層皮膚, 好多時, 一個保濕滋潤既粉底, 都會幫助慳返唔少補妝既時間架XD Foundation is t...
版主我係好中意紅色唇膏, 雖然成日比人話唔襯, 但我決定唔放棄! Red lips is my favourite makeup, that's why I won't give up even though ppl say I won't match with. 首先,一張demo介紹簡單紅唇妝, 之後,介紹幾款我好活躍在用既紅色唇膏...
今日的是另一個春夏日妝, 整個妝容可以做到全日...為什麼? ^^ Spring/Summer Day (Night) Makeup, How does this makeup wear for whole day till night? ^^ 重點是(1) 眼影 (2) 眼線 (3) 唇膏 先睇整個完整妝容: Focus of tod...