Draymond Green:我對常規賽感到無聊

雖然今天勇士在主場戰勝了馬刺,使得仍然保持打破紀錄的希望。但對勇士的Draymond Green來說,這不是最重要的。

在對上一輪敗於木狼之後,Draymond Green對記者承認,他們(勇士)對常規賽已經感到無聊了。



英文原話:I like to break the season up into three segments,” Green explained. “You’ve got the start of the season all the way up until the All-Star break. The few weeks before the All-Star Game are kind of the dog days where you’re just there. Then after the All-Star Game you kind of get that second wind, and it lasts about three weeks. Then, all of a sudden, you’re just sitting there again. Then you got the playoffs, where you get your real wind.I think we’re at a point now where it’s just human nature and like, alright, I’m kind of ready for the regular season to end. There’s 82 games — you get bored with that after a while.”

Green 說他不是在為之前的敗仗找藉口,他也明白季後賽是不容有失的,但他說自己只是去嘗試說「真話」。

