【再打一年?】Vince Carter :無法上場的話,即使奪冠也沒有意義

根據Slam的報導,Vince Carter 在灰熊被淘汰後,當天晚上就去了訓練,絲毫沒有要停下來的意思。


多間媒體引述教練的說話,Vince Carter 當天馬上繼續進行重量訓練,可以說是年輕球員的典範呢。而當Slam的記者問道Carter會否加入一支爭冠球隊時,Carter回答道「很多人總跟我說應該加入一支能得到冠軍的球隊,然後去追求冠軍戒指,我可以不用怎麼上場就贏得那枚戒指,但這樣做的話會使我萎靡,那會要了我的命的,這是我絕對不能接受的。」

引用“It’s hard, the season’s over,” said Grizzlies center Marc Gasol. “It’s going to be one of those nights, a long, long night where the game keeps replaying in your head. You’re going to go over every play about a thousand times. When you try to close your eyes, whatever that time is, it’s going to keep replaying in your head.”

“I’m thrilled we were able to win because if we played 10 times I think we’d each win five,” said Spurs coach Gregg Popovich. “I’m seriously thrilled to make it through the first round.”

So the Grizzlies took on the Spurs with two rookies (Andrew Harrison and Wayne Selden) playing significant minutes, and with 40-year-old Vince Carter starting at the wing.

The Spurs have now bounced the Grizzlies from the playoffs four times. They are the better, deeper, more talented team.

Read more at http://www.slamonline.com/nba/vince-carter-hit-weight-room-grizzlies-elimination/#7CjD11Ct6bzQrsW4.99

