好大的官威啊! Adam Silver !


繼早前Draymond Green因回答記者不想被罰款,所以不回答球證的相關問答後,被聯盟追加場上言論不當被罰款後。現在湖人的管理層Magic Johnson也被罰款50,000美元了。

理由是他之前稱讚了公鹿的前鋒Giannis Antetokounmpo ,當時Magic Johnson說他相信Giannis Antetokounmpo 最終會有一天為公鹿帶來冠軍。想不到這樣的說話卻被Adam Silver 加以利用,罰了Magic Johnson 5萬美元。

引用"Context is everything, and there had been a prior issue with the Lakers early this season," Silver told ESPN's Rachel Nichols on "The Jump" on Thursday. "And the message is - not just to Magic but to all the executives in the league is - stop talking about players on other teams."

Adam Silver警告所有球隊的管理層都不可以談論其他球隊的球員,並指湖人自季初就有這樣的問題。


