Carmelo Anthony 不滿自己變成後備球員

在雷霆輸給爵士的系列賽中,Carmelo Anthony在關鍵時候大多坐在後備席上。



引用“Yeah, I’m not sacrificing no bench role,” Anthony told reporters during team exit interviews on Saturday. “So, that’s out of the question.”

Carmelo Anthony認為自己這一年為球隊已經犧牲了許多。「我認為大部份人都感覺到我已經付出幾乎所有東西。我離開了家人來到這裡打球,我曾經願意犧牲所有事情,只是為了贏球。現在我會想更多的東西了。關於我想成為哪一種的球員,用哪種形式來完結我的職業生涯,我知道我還有能力去比賽,而不需要放棄。」

引用“I think everybody knows that I’ve sacrificed kind of damn near everything,” Anthony said. “Family, moving here by myself, sacrificed my game for the sake of the team, and was willing to sacrifice anything and everything in order for this situation to work out. So it’s something I really have to think about, if I really want to be this type of player, finish out my career as this type of player, knowing that I have so much left in the tank and I bring so much to the game of basketball.”

