【別忘了我啊】Gordon Hayward:找回做運動員的感覺

塞爾特人雖然打進了東岸決賽,但球隊明星之一的Gordon Hayward 卻依然恢復無期,但他一直心繫球隊,除了一直在社交媒體為球隊打氣之外,他還回報了自己的康復進度。

引用I know everybody is curious about where things stand with my rehab. It’s all been going really well. I’m happy to report I’m feeling like an athlete again. I’ve been in Indianapolis for the last couple weeks making some really good progress. I leave the hotel every morning at about 9:30 am and don’t get back til about 6 pm. We do a lot of running mechanics, physical therapy, a lift of some sort, and then court work for another few hours. It’s a full day, every day. I’m definitely moving along as planned, and progressing really well,” Hayward said.

