勇士球權,火箭領先兩分,Reggie Miller建議火箭能這樣做…

今天火箭主場對勇士的比賽,雙方打得十分激烈,比賽甚至需要戰至最後一個回合少能分出勝負。不過,這場比賽有一個小插曲,當比賽時間只剩十秒,火箭領先96-94的時候,TNT的現場評述員Reggie Miller竟然建議火箭主動去犯規讓勇士射罰球。

Reggie Miller在球員時代十分出色,但他這番說話讓人摸不著頭腦,reddit上有網友發文批評TNT的評述員十分業餘……

引用I feel like Marv Albert has been getting all the attention, and rightly so, he is truly awful, but we can not allow ourselves to forget that TNT, who employ Kevin Harlan, Ian Eagle and Brent Barry, chose to put Reggie, Webber and Marv on the most anticipated conference finals series in recent memory. It’s a travesty.

當然,可能Reggie Miller只是單純地想讓勇士贏球……
