Kevin Durant:「現在才是真正的我,以前在雷霆的我是冒牌貨」

自Kevin Durant決定到勇士的那一刻起,他就注定成為人們談論的對象。

在星期三的早上,Fox Sports的記者Chris Broussard收到了Kevin Durant的短訊。

引用"Durant texted me and said 'the guy you see now is the real me. The guy in Oklahoma City was the phony -- I was just trying to please everybody and do what I thought everybody wanted me to do.'




引用I never really cared what people thought. I just thought they were a part of this whole thing. I just thought that I had to listen to that type of stuff because it was just a part of the game -- listening to the media, talking to the media, figuring out what fans wanted, figuring out what they thought about my game.

