Jason Kidd 希望執教勇士?澄清:開玩笑的

自被公鹿辭退後,Jason Kidd 一直在期待自己下一份工作,他早前訪過yahoo sports形容自己希望執教勇士。

引用One day, I’ll come back and hopefully coach in the Bay Area. This has always been home. And so hopefully maybe in high school, maybe in college. Or maybe if Steve Kerr ever decides to stop coaching, I can maybe help out with the Warriors one day.

「有一天,我會回來和希望能帶領灣區。這裡就像是我的家一樣,就算是高中籃球也好,大學籃球也行。或者有一天Steve Kerr 會選擇不再執教,到那一天我或會幫助勇士。」

這樣的言論引起多方討論,不過Jason Kidd很快作出澄清。

引用“I’d like to clarify that my comments about coaching the Warriors were taken out of context as I was making a joke during the interview. The Warriors have a great coach in Steve Kerr.

「我想澄清這是採訪中的開玩笑,勇士已經有一個很好的教練Steve Kerr了。」


