「相信我,重登顛峰的旅程現在開始」Kyrie Irving賽季報銷後的感言

Kyrie Irving在宣佈賽季報銷後,在社交平台發表以下感受:

最難做到的事有時候就是接受生命裡無法控制的事。你持續學習、成長、為每一天準備,來使自己的頭腦、身體、精神能處理這種事。但這種事發生的時候,它們會使你感到不甘心,因為它們令你的專業旅程和目標需要暫停。這是測試你毅力和意志的時刻,讓你能闖過這個難關並明白當中發生了什麼事。在我的情況,發現我膝蓋發炎絕對是一個我現在能夠接受並往前看的時刻,我將忽視所有「如果……」,證明反對者說的都是他媽的錯誤,同時達成我為團隊以及自己設定的目標。這個球季只是一個證明我能達成什麼的快照。相信我,「重登珠穆朗瑪峰的旅程仍在繼續。」塞爾特人加油!粉絲們,我期待在季後賽聽到TD Garden裡的歡呼聲,感受那裡熾熱的氣氛。謝謝你們每一個!

引用The hardest thing to do sometimes is accept the uncontrollable things life throws at you. You try consistently to learn, grow, and prepare everyday to equip your mind, body, and spirit with tools to deal with some of those things, but I feel when those moments arise they all give you a sense of unfulfillment, simply because it puts some of your professional journey and goals on a brief hold. It's simply a test of your perseverance and Will, to be present, even in the wake of what's going on. In this case, finding out I have an infection in my knee is definitely a moment that I now accept and move past without holding on to the all the what ifs, proving the nay-Sayers completely f***ing wrong, and accomplishing the goals I've set out for the team and myself. This season was only a snapshot of what's to come from me. Trust Me. "The journey back to the top of Mt. Everest continues." #StandingRockSiouxTribe
Let's go Celtics!! Celtics fans, I look forward to hearing how loud it gets in the TD Garden during the playoffs and experiencing how intense the environment gets. Thank you all!
賽季報銷對球員心理造成的傷害極大,往往將處於顛峰的頂尖球員拉到深淵。但從Irving身上,我們看到面對逆境時那種堅韌不屈的態度。期待明年傷癒歸來的Irving和Gordon Hayward帶領年輕有幹勁的綠衫軍重登榮耀。


標籤: kyrieirving  celtics