不甘女友被嘲弄,Nick Young舌戰ESPN主持,卻被打了一槍又一槍…

所以說Nick Young適合在洛杉磯打球的原因,很顯然因為他一定有不絕的花邊新聞。記得早前Nick Young的同居女友Iggy Azalea說過,他差點被一條海豚殺掉嗎?昨天ESPN主持Robert Flores重提此事,不過卻是用來取笑Iggy Azalea的爛嘻哈…

引用"And what did we learn? We learned that according to the Lakers’ Nick Young a dolphin recently tried to kill him. So Nick while dolphins are trying to kill you, your girlfriend is trying to kill hip hop. Let’s call it even, OK?"
- Robert Flores

「所以我們知道甚麼了嗎?Nick Young說那條海豚想殺了他,他的女友卻想毀掉嘻哈音樂,算是打了個平手,對不?」Robert Flores

當然,性情火爆又愛曝光的Nick Young怎會不放話還話擊?事實上,他也怒得在Twitter上罵個不停:

然後在ESPN的電台節目上,Robert Flores再向Nick Young狠狠的打了一槍:
引用“If you look at his numbers, there is a 70% chance that—if he takes a shot at me—he’s going to miss. I’m just looking at the numbers, so I’m good.”

