
美國總統Barack Obama是籃球迷為眾所周知,相信就算百忙之中也定必抽空留意總決賽的世紀大戰。日前,他就被記者問到他認為哪一隊會拿得總冠軍,他則給了以下的答案:

Obama說:「我覺得這很難說,因為兩隊的實力也十分強。LeBron的表現令人難以置信;但Steph Curry也是,即使他有過幾場打得不好時候。我曾經會見過他,他是一個優秀的年輕人,實至名歸的MVP,我感覺到他會重拾狀態。所以誰也猜不到哪會最後會勝出,但我看得很享受。」

引用Too close to call right now. I think both teams are playing incredible basketball, Lebron is playing unbelievably, but Steph Curry, even though he's had a couple of bad games, I've met him, he's a wonderful young man, a deserving MVP. My sense is he's gonna pick it back up, so who knows, but I'm sure enjoying watching it.

