Allen Iverson:每一天也在繼續戰鬥
NBPA球員工會完成了他們史上首次的頒獎禮。在拉斯維加斯,他們除了頒出球員投票的獎項之外,也在頒獎禮的開頭部分先行頒發了「Game Changer Award」一獎。得獎者是大家熟悉的戰神Allen Iverson!
在得獎感言中,他以Michael Jordan為他首個致敬的對象。「我以MJ作為我成長時的目標,一切都是這樣開始的。如果不是他的關係,我不會站在這裡,也不會有成為籃球員的理想。所以我對MJ致以崇高的愛及敬意」
(Growing up, I was wanting to be like Mike. This what's up, ain't it? If it wasn't for him. I wouldn't be up here. I wouldn't have the vision to be a basketball player.So I love him for that, and I honor him for that. )
接下來他也對Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry和Chris Paul這幾位球員點名致敬,各讚揚他們在球場上的優點。雖然AI已經不再在場上打拼,而是將眼光放在世界之上,但對他而言,做所有事的道理都是一樣的。「回合不同,但每一天也在繼續戰鬥。(Same fight, different round)」有些戰鬥不一定有結結果,「但最重要的是,你能否起來再打過。(The only thing that matters is getting up and fighting again.)」
在得獎感言中,他以Michael Jordan為他首個致敬的對象。「我以MJ作為我成長時的目標,一切都是這樣開始的。如果不是他的關係,我不會站在這裡,也不會有成為籃球員的理想。所以我對MJ致以崇高的愛及敬意」
(Growing up, I was wanting to be like Mike. This what's up, ain't it? If it wasn't for him. I wouldn't be up here. I wouldn't have the vision to be a basketball player.So I love him for that, and I honor him for that. )
接下來他也對Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry和Chris Paul這幾位球員點名致敬,各讚揚他們在球場上的優點。雖然AI已經不再在場上打拼,而是將眼光放在世界之上,但對他而言,做所有事的道理都是一樣的。「回合不同,但每一天也在繼續戰鬥。(Same fight, different round)」有些戰鬥不一定有結結果,「但最重要的是,你能否起來再打過。(The only thing that matters is getting up and fighting again.)」