
前英超球隊黑池降班落英冠後,表現一年差過一年,周日主場與洛達咸打成1:1平手後,現在在聯賽繼續包尾。在此等境況,球員難免會心情欠佳,失去信心,但作為一個專業球員,即使沒有爭勝的決心,也不可以未打先認輸吧。日前,黑池的中場借將,19歲的積及梅菲(Jacob Murphy)就在對戰洛達咸前,在社交媒體 Snapchat 上載一張與隊友 Donervon Daniels 的合照,並寫上:"We are going to lose......Again" (我們又要再輸一場了),結果引來外界炮轟。


引用I’d like to offer my sincerest apologies to the manager, my team-mates, the fans and everybody at Blackpool Football Club for the hurt and embarrassment that a recent photo message I sent has caused. It was totally unprofessional of me and a foolish thing to do.

I have loved my time at Blackpool so far, and I’ve been really grateful for the support I’ve received. I know I have let the manager and fans down badly, but I aim to repay them by working even harder and helping the team climb up the league table.

I’d also like to make clear that Donervon Daniels had no part in this and I apologise for implicating him.

但英國傳媒估計他仍難逃罰款,而球員主席 Lee Clark 表示:「我感到極度失望,我希望我們的球員至少能夠保持專業的態度!我們會先進行內部調查再決定怎樣做。」

而被無故拖下水的隊友 Donervon Daniels 連忙跟積及梅菲劃清界線,在自己的 twitter 表示沒有 Snapchat 帳號,亦不清這張自拍照片會被這樣用。





標籤: Jacob Murphy  黑池