
上文提及我對於學界足球的建議,早一兩日就建議發了封中英一式兩份的email 比學界([email protected])。中英一式兩份係因為佢地的通告都係以英文為主,而我不知道負責處理郵件的會係中文或英文為主的老師。點都好,大家可以留言估下我會不會得到佢地的答覆嗎?


致香港學界體育聯會 港島及九龍地域中學分會
我們是一個支持本地足球的一個非牟利組織,亦知道學界比賽往往是香港體壇的搖籃,我們有一個想法或者能有助推動本地足球及本地學界足球的發展,如其只停留於把想法用文字記錄,倒不如試試將想法傳送於各位,了解一下想法的可能性。我們的想法就是成立學界五人校際足球比賽,目標就是透過一個適合男女子實際情況,乎合本港及學校場地特性的運動,籍此地利推動本地男女子足運發展,亦同時冀盼能將學界足球決賽打造成學界田徑,游泳或籃球般的本地學界體壇盛事。詳細計劃的效益記錄於 學界足球計劃。或許計劃有欠缺考慮之處或執行上的難處,煩請賜教。

Dear Friends At HKSSRC,
A huge thanks to every individual that contributes to local education and inter-school sports.
We are a non-profit, individual organization that supports the Hong Kong football. HKSSF has fostered many stars for Hong Kong. We have a proposal that can potentially fuel the development of Hong Kong Football and inter-school Football. Instead of justing being words on paper, we would like to reach out to you and understand whether it is a feasible idea.
Our proposal is to establish an inter-school futsal competition (Boys A, B, C, Girls A, B, C). The idea is to fuel local football development in boys and girls by having a football competition that welcomes both boys and girls and is well supported facilities-wise. At the same time, we hope that the futsal final (Say all 6 groups) can duplicate the success of Inter-school athletics, swimming and basketball. The benefits of the plan is documented in Chinese at 學界足球計劃. Please excuse our inconsideration in the proposal.
All the best
