

日前媒體盛傳拜仁慕尼黑的領隊哥迪奧拿 (Pep Guardiola) 將於下週決定離開該德甲班霸球隊,而下季將大有可能接替柏歷堅尼 (Manuel Pellegrini) 出任曼城主帥。而事實上,柏歷堅尼帥位不穩已不是新鮮事。
阿仙奴教練雲加 (Arsene Wenger) 日前接受英國媒體The Sun訪問時亦表示,這些傳聞將擾亂曼城軍心,就好像皇家馬德里一般亦是經常充斥著這些換帥傳聞,但他相信柏歷堅尼有足夠的經驗去應付。
引用Wenger’s Arsenal host City on Monday and he insisted: “It’s very difficult to master nowadays, to have this kind of speculation. Look at Real Madrid, there is always speculation. It looks like it’s part of our job now. It can be destabilising but Pellegrini is experienced enough to deal with it. Maybe if it was a very young beginner, it could be destabilising. But I don’t think at his level it will affect him."

引用The Frenchman, 66, said: “Maybe more than ever, because it looks very tight. We have played 16 games and the top team is on 35 points. So it means the Premier League could be decided at around 80 points."

引用"And it looks as though consistency will be the main priority because every week you’re surprised by the results... Over Christmas we play many home games. We have the chance to come out in a strong position after Christmas."

曼城下週作客阿仙奴一仗,相信中場核心大衛施華 (David Silva) 及前鋒阿古路 (Sergio Aguero) 兩位主力將傷癒回歸再度搭檔攻堅。至於阿仙奴將繼續依賴今季表現大勇的奧斯爾 (Mesut Ozil) 作為球隊進攻靈魂,他今季英超上陣15場賽事,交出五大聯賽中最多的13次助攻,並且有2個入球。

資料來源:The Sun


標籤: 雲加  柏歷堅尼  哥迪奧拿