
阿仙奴中場球星奧斯爾 (Mesut Ozil) 在香港時間週二凌晨主場迎戰曼城一仗中為球隊貢獻2次助攻,並助球隊以2-1擊敗對手,收窄與榜首球隊李斯特城的積分差距。他個人今季已經累積英超聯賽最高的15次助攻,只欠5次即可以追平前「槍手」亨利 (Thierry Henry) 於2002/03球季創下的英超記錄。

引用“The biggest change started when I was injured last year and I changed my diet and started to look at the small details in my life,” the 27-year-old said. “For example I started to have physiotherapy on my days off and made sure I had a good sleep. That is crucial over here [in England]. It is the fastest league in the world and we often play twice a week with no winter break.

引用“I also missed football a lot when I was injured and I don’t want that to happen again,” Özil added. “That’s why I am doing everything I can to avoid it now. It is also the case that when you are playing well you get more confident. The team is more mature and more consistent this season and I get a lot of help on the pitch. It is only because of their help I can do my best.”


引用“My contract runs until 2018, that is for another two and a half years,” he said. “There is no need to hurry. There are no talks at the moment but I can only say that I am very happy in London and that my decision to come here from Real Madrid was the right one. There is not a single day, apart from when I was injured, that I have not felt great at Arsenal.”

資料來源:theguardian.com Youtube Channel JavierNathaniel


標籤: 奧斯爾