
今早凌晨進行了英格蘭足總盃的第3輪賽事,曼聯於主場迎戰英甲球隊錫菲聯。曼聯全場未見有太大優勢,最終要戰至補時階段才靠迪比 (Memphis Depay) 搏得12碼,並由朗尼 (Wayne Rooney) 操刀射入,以1-0險勝對手晉級下一輪賽事。

回顧曼聯於賽事中的表現,他們全場只有11次攻門,當中只有得2次攻門中目標。對於這樣的表現,曼聯的名宿史高斯 (Paul Scholes) 再次批評球隊的表現,他更向 "BT Sport" 表示,假如自己為球隊陣容中的一員,相信要兩三天的時間才能平復自己失望的心情。
引用"I would be sat [in the dressing room] with my head between my hands after that performance," Scholes told BT Sport. I would be depressed. It would take me two or three days to get over that performance.

引用"I've tried so hard to defend this team, but each week it gets harder. Every time I come to Old Trafford it's negative football. You can talk about 31 shots in the last two games - we only scored two goals. I see square pegs in round holes with people in the team."

史高斯:“費蘭尼 (Marouane Fellaini) 被安排在中場中路控制節奏及創造機會,但事實上他沒有能力做好這樣的事情;安達靴里拉 (Ander Herrera) 的位置到底是什麼?他是10號還是中場?我相信雲高爾 (Louis van Gaal) 自己也不清楚;桑馬達 (Juan Mata) 擔當右翼位置,但他卻沒有速度的優勢;安東尼馬迪爾 (Anthony Martial) 是左翼還是正前鋒?誰知道?他的位置不停地被調換。”
引用"Marouane Fellaini is playing in a central midfield position trying to dictate play and create - he's never going to be able to do that. Ander Herrera, I don't know what he is. Is he a No.10? Is he a midfield player? I don't think Van Gaal knows that. Juan Mata plays on the right hand side and he's got no pace to play there. Martial, is he a left winger? Is he a centre forward? Who knows? He gets constantly changed."

Scholes said the display was 'depressing', 'boring' and 'negative'. "The players are bored, fans are bored, everyone's bored. You look across at the bench and Van Gaal looks bored as well. The only thing I would say - I'm glad I don't have to go to Sheffield a week on Tuesday."


資料來源:mirror.co.uk dailystar.co.uk irishexaminer.com


標籤: 史高斯  雲高爾