
根據多個外國媒體報導,曼城官方已正式宣佈現執教德甲班霸拜仁慕尼黑、45歲的西班牙籍領隊哥迪奧拿 (Pep Guardiola) 將於今夏成為「藍月亮」的新帥,雙方已落實為期三年的合約。
引用Manchester City can confirm that in recent weeks it has commenced and finalized contractual negotiations with Pep Guardiola to become MCFC Head Coach for the 2016/17 EPL season onwards.

事實上,英國方面早前已有消息傳出哥帥幾乎鐵定轉教曼城。 (相關文章:曼徹斯特市辦理子女入學│哥迪奧拿鐵定轉教曼城?) 至於曼城的現任領隊柏歷堅尼 (Manuel Pellegrini) 將於6月30日離開球隊。根據曼城官方的聲明表示,柏歷堅尼完全支持球隊的決定,並將繼續努力於今季爭奪各項錦標。
引用Manuel, who is fully supportive of the decision to make this communication, is entirely focused on achieving his targets for the season ahead and retains the respect and commitment of all involved with the leadership of the Club.

「藍月亮」官方亦表示,球會早於2012年亦有意招攬這位前巴塞隆拿教練,但最終哥迪奧拿選擇加盟拜仁,曼城唯有選擇以柏歷堅尼接替當年帶領球隊贏得英超冠軍的意大利籍領隊文仙尼 (Roberto Mancini)。
柏歷堅尼執教的首個球季分別奪得英超聯賽及聯賽盃冠軍,他帶領曼城出戰99場英超賽事贏得當中的64場,表現僅次於摩連奴 (Jose Mourinho) 帶領車路士首99場贏得73場的記錄。

引用"I talked to the club and I will finish my contract on the original date," said Pellegrini on Monday. "They are not doing anything behind me. I knew this a month ago. But I don't think it's good, this rumour and speculation about different things. I would prefer to finish the speculation today."

曾效力曼城的冼佳亞 (Trevor Sinclair) 認為官方宣佈哥迪奧拿接任的官方聲明對所有曼城球迷而言都非常震撼,而他接受 "BBC Radio 5" 訪問時亦表示哥帥毫無疑問是球壇中最矚目的領隊,並且是每一支球會的羅致目標,而且冼佳亞相信這位西班牙籍領隊能夠幫助曼城引入更多的球星。
引用He told BBC Radio 5 live: "He's the hottest manager out there. Every club would want him. And when you look at the recruitment possibilities now, that's where you really start to get excited. He'll be able to bring in some huge players."

對於哥迪奧拿今夏接任曼城領隊,他的德甲老對手、利物浦領隊高普 (Jurgen Klopp) 表示,“他是世界上最出色的領隊之一,這絕對毋庸置疑。他曾經帶領兩支頂級的球隊,而如今他即將加盟曼城。哥迪奧拿他在巴塞隆拿和拜仁已幾乎奪得一切的錦標,因此明顯地他來到英格蘭亦將希望能夠贏盡所有的冠軍。”
引用"He is one of the best managers in the world, no doubt about this. He had two big, big clubs where he has worked at and now he will do his job at Manchester City. Pep won everything in Spain, nearly everything in Germany, so I think he wants to win everything in England, that is clear."

資料來源:bbc.com mcfc.co.uk


標籤: 曼城  哥迪奧拿  柏歷堅尼