
相比一眾歐洲列強,今季的中超球隊更積極地增兵,並引入不少頂級球星。日前江蘇蘇寧就力壓利物浦等球隊、以破中超記錄的3,840萬英鎊從薩克達簽下巴西進攻中場阿歷士泰斯拿 (Alex Teixeira)。

而除了球員外,不少的出色領隊亦成為招攬的目標,包括車路士的前領隊摩連奴 (Jose Mourinho) 及暫代領隊軒迪克 (Guus Hiddink)。而英超球隊曼聯的上任領隊莫耶斯 (David Moyes) 接受媒體 "BBC" 訪問時亦表示,他曾經獲得中超球隊邀請他前往中國執教。
自費格遜 (Alex Ferguson) 於2013年退休後,莫耶斯從愛華頓轉投曼聯擔任領隊,但由於戰績欠佳,因此他上任10個月後就被球隊辭退。之後他轉戰西甲、執教皇家蘇斯達,但球隊的表現亦未見理想。

52歲的莫耶斯在 "BBC" 的節目中表示,“我的心一直都在英超聯賽,而我亦曾收到中超球隊的邀請,但我拒絕了。我想我應該會回到英超,我已經收到不少球會的邀請,特別是在我回到英格蘭居住後。而我希望能夠挑選一個真正適合自己的位置,一個我有挑戰性、而我亦能夠勝任的工作,我希望能夠用我自己的方式來帶領球隊。”
引用"My heart has always been in the Premier League. I've had an offer to go to China as well," said Moyes, 52. "I think I will," he said. "I have had numerous opportunities, especially since I have come back to England. I want to pick the right job, one that really excites me and one I am able to get my teeth into. You want to feel you can manage the way you want to manage."

引用On the prospect of coaching an international team, Moyes said: "I would have an interest. I have come through all the layers of football. If the right international job came I don't think I would say 'no', but at the moment it is club management. It is in my blood, I have managed 850 games and I would like to get to 1,000 games."

引用Asked about reports that former Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho's representatives are in talks about the managerial position at Manchester United, Moyes said: "Jose would arguably be up there with the best managers in the world, Manchester United is a great football club and I don't think there's any manager in the world who would not want to work for them. The big thing is that there is a manager in place. I think it is wrong that we talk about somebody's job. I think we talk too easily in football about men losing their job."



標籤: 莫耶斯  摩連奴