
香港時間週三淩晨將繼續進行歐聯16強首回合賽事,英超球隊阿仙奴將於主場迎戰衛冕冠軍巴塞隆拿。自公佈淘汰賽抽籤結果後,「兵工廠」一直就被外界看低一線。而球員生涯中曾先後效力阿仙奴及巴塞兩支球隊的亨利 (Thierry Henry),就分析了阿仙奴應如何爭取出線。

引用"They have to accept they will probably only have 30 per cent possession and must be so efficient when they do get the ball. The whole team must defend more as a unit and the wingers must tuck in and play more in their own half," Henry wrote in his column for the Sun.

引用"You very rarely get the chance to play against Barcelona so you must be prepared to sacrifice parts of your attacking game, home and away."

"Arsenal must be brave on the ball. They need to stay compact, play on the counter and score every time they get in their penalty area. They can’t be exposed in the middle and must force Barcelona to run back 60 yards before they get the ball. If you allow them to stay in your half for wave after wave, it becomes almost impossible to defend."


「兵工廠」要創造奇蹟,週三首回合賽事必定不容有失。除了要抵擋巴塞「MSN」組合的進攻,今季狀態大勇的德國中場奧斯爾 (Mesut Ozil),他的表現應將是阿仙奴爭勝的一大關鍵。

資料來源:independent.co.uk mirror.co.uk goal.com


標籤: 亨利  阿仙奴  巴塞隆拿