

根據英國媒體 "SKYSPORTS" 的報導,曼聯領隊雲高爾 (Louis van Gaal) 日前接受訪問時坦言,他認為贏得歐霸盃或足總盃比英超前四更為重要。

引用"The target is winning the Europa League and of course Manchester United have not won the Europa League," Van Gaal said. "It should be fantastic for Manchester United and the fans when you win a title but also the last time they won the FA Cup was many, many years ago so that would also be fantastic. A title is always worth more than fourth position but the Champions League is our aim, so that is why the Europa League is very important or the fourth position in the table."

引用When asked about United's upturn in form, Van Gaal said: "I don't think there is any change. When you see we have closed the gap a little bit, your belief shall raise. I tell my players they first have to believe in it. I believe but the most important thing is that the players believe."

曼聯最近能夠在各項賽事中取得勝仗,當中不得不提上陣三場攻入四球、年僅18歲的前鋒拉舒福特 (Marcus Rashford)。雖然雲高爾早前已表明不希望媒體給這位小將帶來太多壓力,但英格蘭領隊鶴臣 (Roy Hodgson) 會否挑選拉舒福特進入2016歐洲國家盃國家隊陣容成為媒體的焦點。
引用When asked again whether England recognition would be too much, too soon for Rashford, Van Gaal added: "It is never too early. I have said it also a lot of times in my press conferences. Age is not important, I have said that. Maybe you remember that? Age is not important, it is the quality."

此外,雲高爾亦提及隊中的傷兵情況,他表示舒韋恩史迪加 (Bastian Schweinsteiger)、路爾斯華倫西亞 (Antonio Valencia)、費蘭尼 (Marouane Fellaini)、及菲爾鍾斯 (Phil Jones) 將能夠於短期內回歸賽場。至於艾舒利楊格 (Ashley Young) 亦將於本月尾復出。


標籤: 雲高爾  拉舒福特