到底C朗拿度有幾紅?據<每日郵報>報導,加拿大的英屬哥倫比亞大學開設了一科專門研究C朗拿度的課程,負責的教授阿吉爾(Professor Luis Aguiar)認為,C朗影響了不同文化,值得學生研究。
引用"Ronaldo is the centre and every discussion, class meeting revolves around Ronaldo initially. And then we explore, we broaden out to larger themes. "
"So it starts with Ronaldo but Ronaldo is almost like a springboard to talk about larger issues that are much more sociologically significant than just a biography of Ronaldo."
"'I don't know if Ronaldo knows about the course."
"I haven't heard from Ronaldo, I haven't heard from his entourage. I would love to hear from either one, and I would love to have Ronaldo maybe Skyping into the class."