Shaquille O'Neal支持Kyrie Irving的論點:「地球是平的」

日前Kyrie Irving發表了一個言論造成了軒然大波,就是他認為地球是平的,而“大鯊魚”O'Neal相信了這個論點,他也認為地球是平的,以下是他講的話。

“It’s true. The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat. Yes, it is. Listen, there are three ways to manipulate the mind — what you read, what you see and what you hear. In school, first thing they teach us is, ‘Oh, Columbus discovered America,’ but when he got there, there were some fair-skinned people with the long hair smoking on the peace pipes. So, what does that tell you? Columbus didn’t discover America. So, listen, I drive from coast to coast, and this s*** is flat to me. I’m just saying. I drive from Florida to California all the time, and it’s flat to me. I do not go up and down at a 360-degree angle, and all that stuff about gravity, have you looked outside Atlanta lately and seen all these buildings? You mean to tell me that China is under us? China is under us? It’s not. The world is flat.”

“這是真的。地球是平的,地球是平的。是的,聽著,有三種方法可以操控妳的心智—你讀了什麼,你看了什麼,你聽了什麼。在學校,他們教我們的第一件事就是‘噢!哥倫布發現了美國’ 但當他到那後,那邊有著的是長頭髮的白人抽著長杆煙斗,所以這告訴了你什麼,哥倫布沒有發現美國。所以聽著,我從這個海岸開到那個海岸,我的意思是,這對我來說就是平的。我天天從佛羅里達開到加州,它是平的。我沒有以360度的角度上上下下,這都是有關重力的,你最近有看到亞特蘭大和所有建築物嗎?你的意思是告訴我中國在我們下面嗎?中國在我們下面?這是錯的,世界是平的。”


