《奇異博士》編劇: 續集的新反派是"他"

express.co.uk報導,《奇異博士》(Doctor Strange)的續集正在籌備中,編劇C. Robert Cargill日前透露了他和另一位編劇Scott Derrickson一些關於電影的計畫: 奇異博士經典敵人夢魘(Nightmare)將會成為續集的大反派。

引用The Sorcerer Supreme’s sequel may not have a release date yet, but co-screenwriter C. Robert Cargill has already revealed his plans.

Speaking at a screening of Marvel's Doctor Strange, the writer revealed: “Nightmare will be the villain.”
夢魘(Nightmare)在1963年首次在奇異故事(Strange Tales)中出場,又名Edvard Haberdash。夢魘能夠將睡夢中的人帶入他的領域夢魘世界(Nightmare World),從而達到操控對手的效果。
除了夢魘之外,上集彩蛋中黑化的莫度同樣會在續集回歸。關於莫度男爵這個角色,C. Robert Cargill表示他不會因為夢魘的出現而減低重要性,Cargill甚至希望將他打造成一個和洛基擁有同樣等級魅力的角色。

引用“And I do know that whether we're attached or not, that Marvel plans on working towards that ending and fully realizing Mordo as more than just a cardboard cutout villain, but actually taking him to kind of Loki levels of awesomeness. That's the goal with him."
據報更多《奇異博士2》(Doctor Strange2)的消息會在8月尾D23 迪士尼博覽展中透露。

(source: https://www.express.co.uk/entertainment/films/940070/Doctor-Strange-2-villain-Nightmare-Mordo-Benedict-Cumberbatch-Chiwetel-Ejiofor-Avengers)
