Kevin Feige: 如果Thanos沒有呼叫空中支援 Scarlet Witch會擊倒他

《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》(Avengers: Endgame)中有相當多個場面,其中一個就是Scarlet Witch單挑Thanos,憤怒值爆表的女巫面對泰坦巨神仍然處於優勢。不少觀眾心裡可能都有個問題,如果Thanos沒有呼叫空中支援,結果會是如何呢?
Marvel總裁Kevin Feige近日接受ComicBook訪問時給出了答案:"Wanda Maximoff有著最頂端的力量,我認為如果Thanos沒有呼叫 (支援) 的話,Wanda會打敗他。"

引用“Wanda Maximoff, who is probably near the upper echelons of power — I contend she would have taken down Thanos if he hadn’t called the [army]. Right? It was done. So her being the Scarlet Witch now, as Lizzie said on stage in a full sort of unabashed power-based [way], coming into the Doctor Strange movie, that is two heroes coming together in a fun way.”

眾所週知漫畫中的Scarlet Witch是奧米加級變種人,因為受到黑魔法之神Chthon祝福而學會了混沌魔法(Chaos Manipulation)。不過當然,為了電影的觀賞性和平衡,Marvel對Scarlet Witch進行了削弱。

《WandaVision》影集預計會在2021年春天在迪士尼串流平台Disney +上線,Kevin Feige表示Scarlet Witch會在劇裡展示出更多能力,而劇情也會引領她進入《Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness》.

