Henry Cavill表態:從來沒有放棄過超人這個角色 披風仍然在我的衣櫃裡

在Robert Pattinson接演成為新一任的蝙蝠俠後,不少粉絲都非常關注DC另一位招牌英雄超人的未來動向。

從去年開始有不少傳聞指出Henry Cavill將不會再飾演超人,而DCEU短期內也不會有涉及超人的影視作品,更有消息指出華納打算在未來將超人變成黑人。

Henry Cavill近期接受了Men’s Health的訪問,在談及到超人時,Henry Cavill表示這個角色仍然是他的::「披風仍然在衣櫃裡,它仍然屬於我。



“The cape is in the closet,” Cavill says. “It’s still mine

I’m not just going to sit quietly in the dark as all this stuff is going on. I’ve not given up the role. There’s a lot I have to give for Superman yet. A lot of storytelling to do. A lot of real, true depths to the honesty of the character I want to get into. I want to reflect the comic books. That’s important to me. There’s a lot of justice to be done for Superman. The status is: You’ll see.
訪問全文: https://www.menshealth.com/entertainment/a29774618/henry-cavill-the-witcher-superman-interview/
