港足日記第一章:古安奴的飛馬歲月 (二): 港超聯水平與風格
(二): 港超聯水平與風格 -
古安奴又同時認為港超不同球隊的水平差距太大。例如與東方和傑志比賽時,他會認為是一些高水平的比賽,但在某些比賽對手的級數是奇低。他又仔細解釋,他在香港時,「東方有不少巴西球員,踢法比較個人主義。相反,傑志則比較著重團體,有一個鮮明的戰術風格,他們是香港最有長遠規劃的球隊。」他分析道東方則依賴個人能力,多與戰術體系,這也是為什麼傑志在亞洲賽表現較好。 -
Junior explains that he had no problems with coach Kwok Kar Lok. " He's a good coach and a good friend. He's very demanding and intense, but at the same time he's very nice to all the players." He also likes the tactics of the coach because it's very offensive and aggressive.
Junior thinks that it is important to have different players around the world. " Although the language might help if all the players come from the same country, but the football field has its own language, it's not that important that everyone speaks the same language."
He also thinks that the differences between the teams in Hong Kong are way too big. He thinks when he played against Eastern and Kitchee, it was a great match. However, some of the opponents have "a very low level". He also thinks that the playing style of Eastern was more individual with the Brazilians they had, while Kitchee " is a more organized team with better tactics". It's the reason why they did better in the Asian continental competitions.
- Junior also admitted that the news articles were true three years ago. He did discuss the opportunity to play for Lee Man but it didn't happen as they renewed the contract with the foreign defender they had. He didn't has a team at the moment when we did the interview as he just became a father. However he said that Fabio could try to find a team for him in Hong Kong in the near future.