

引用Richardson was presenting BBC 5 Live’s Sportsweek programme as he covered resurgent stories of dressing-room unrest at Chelsea following the club’s 3-1 home defeat to Liverpool on Saturday. And the BBC veteran made the astonishing claim at the start of his programme, which you can listen to here. “Let me tell you what I know on the Chelsea story,” said Richardson. “My information comes from a Chelsea first-team player. “The information was actually passed to me by a football contact. I was told that Jose Mourinho’s relationship with many of his players is at rock-bottom.

REAX Mourinho - Eurosport
“I was told they were fed up with the way he has been dealing with some of them. They are fed up with his outbursts. I was told that his relationship particularly with Eden Hazard was under immense strain. “Here is a staggering quote. One player said recently, ‘I’d rather lose than win for him’.


但是,換教練是否解決了所有問題? 油王入主後,被炒的教練不在少數,當中有多少真的是力有不逮?有多少是被球霸送其一程?以今季而言,有部分球員擺明車馬揸流灘,離譜程度不遜史高拉利年代,如不對此施以具阻嚇性懲罰,哪知下一個教練會否動輒遭殃?

