
澳洲政府近日發起了宣揚安全駕駛的活動,邀請了墨爾本雕刻家Patricia Piccinini,一名外科醫生,一名道路安全工程師共同設計了一個可以存活於車禍衝擊的人類模型,它名叫Graham,假如人類進化成Graham這個樣子,那即使遇到了車禍也不會受傷。

外科醫生 Christian Kenfield解釋,人類的身體很容易於車禍中受重傷,這個人類模型沒有頸,所以不怕頸斷,而它擁有又肥又平的臉,這可以保護自己鼻子和耳朵,另外每條肋骨也被額外的乳頭保護,這些乳頭扮演空氣袋的角色,最後還有很厚的皮膚


Kenfield 醫生指出,除非人類可以變成這樣子,不然的話,就算是現今世上最強壯的人類,遇到車禍也難逃一死,因為車禍時所附帶的力量實在太大。

引用"The dangers of even low speeds such as 25,30, 35 kilometres an hour is quite great," he said.

"The most significant part of body for injury is the head. So as the head stops the brain actually keeps moving forward, smashing against the front part of the skull and then bouncing backwards and getting an injury on the back of the head as well,"


Logan醫生, 蒙納許大學的道路安全專家補充:

引用'In the modern world we're subjecting ourselves to much higher speeds, and the body just doesn't have the physiology to absorb the energy when things go wrong."

"A crash is about managing energy so when we're moving along the road we have energy."

"When we suddenly stop the car because we're in a crash that energy has to be absorbed by the car and by the driver."



