【喜鵲專訪】Hall of Famer —— Alan Shearer

【喜鵲專訪】Hall of Famer —— Alan Shearer


在因入選英超名人堂而與記者一同回顧其職業生涯時,舒利亞(Alan Shearer)不無感觸地道出這一句。

英超入球紀錄保持者舒利亞和四屆英超金靴獎得主亨利(Thierry Henry)早前獲英超賽會宣布他們為英超名人堂首兩位入選名宿。








[舒利亞] 那麼,讓我們回到從前吧。


[旁述] Absolute thunderbolt from Alan Shearer!

[旁述] Oh, it’s absolutely superb!


阿仙奴名宿,亦是阿仙奴隊史入球第二多的射手伊恩胡禮(Ian Wright)說:「作為他的朋友,我可以自豪地說:『他是英超有史以來最好的射手。』」

[旁述] 舒利亞……Oh!

[旁述] 布力般流浪,英超的新同學。


當年與舒利亞在布力般流浪雙劍合璧,並於1994/1995球季合力攻入49球,一舉奪得英超冠軍的瑟頓(Chris Sutton)亦說:「他就是天生的九號,他是球隊的主角,而他亦有那樣的決心去成為球隊主角,他在場上的無情足以摧毀任何對手。」
[舒利亞] 當時布力般流浪剛進入英超聯賽不久。面對曼聯、利物浦那些豪門,布力般依然不落下風,回想起,的確是一項了不起的成就。

[杜格利殊(Kenny Dalglish)] 如果當年舒利亞沒有在布力般流浪的話,我不認為會出現奪冠的童話。

[舒利亞] 我永遠不會忘記,那種雙手手握冠軍獎杯的滋味,那是一種非常,非常特別的感覺。

曾與舒利亞一同在布力般流浪獲得冠軍的隊長舒活(Tim Sherwood)說:「沒有舒利亞,布力般流浪就沒有1994/95球季的英超冠軍,就這麼簡單。」

[瑟頓] Alan的完美在於他其飢渴感。你知道,他總是想入到三、四、五,甚至是愈多愈好。

[舒利亞] 當我決定是時候揭開新一頁時,我和費格遜爵士有一次短的交談,那時我真的不知道我的下一步該怎樣。不過後來我突然有一個想法:「你知道嗎,我只是想回家。」回到那我小時候所支持的球隊,我小時候就站在露台上觀看的球隊。那就是我當時想做的——我想成為紐卡素的一員。

[Sir John Hall] 歡迎舒利亞來到紐卡素。
[基雲(Shay Given)] 讓一位Geordie身穿紐卡素的9號波衫?有甚麼事比這更適合?

[舒利亞] 我不知道球場外發生甚麼事,您試想像有15,000, 16,000人在場外。這無疑是有一點點,一點點瘋狂,但這亦代表我的夢想實現了。

[費迪南(Les Ferdinand)] 毫無疑問,他是我合作過最好的前鋒。我們為對方而戰,並希望球隊可以邁向成功。

[伊恩胡禮] 他的Link-up Play能力非常非常出色,還有頭槌。我想說他對入球的決心和渴望是我所追求並希望擁有的。

[費迪南] 我認為入球是他最深愛的事。甚至比他的小朋友和妻子都排得更要前。


[舒利亞] 我當時有一段頗為艱難的時期,然後卜比Sir (Sir Bobby Robson)就來到了球隊。

[基雲] 我認為卜比Sir只是對他說,就是簡單的一句,「上場踢波,做回那個我們都熟悉的前鋒吧。」

[旁述] The renaissance of Alan Shearer. 那個熟悉的他,回來了。

[舒利亞] 笑容重新在我臉上掛起,這全都歸功於那個男人。他是一個天才般的領隊,他的好,無容置疑。

[舒利亞] 當我兒時剛學會走路時,基本上,我父親就將足球踢到了我腳下。像許多人一樣,我記得我以前經常跑出去並踢足球。我從沒想過有一天,我會是英超歷史入球紀錄保持者。

[瑟頓] 就入球來說,我不認為有人可以追趕到他的紀錄,我深信這點。

[荷度(Glenn Hoddle)] 當您在不同紀錄上都榜上有名,而且您仍然是這些記錄的保持者,那不正正顯示出該紀錄保持者的重要嗎。260,天啊,要我說的話就是一個難比天高的紀錄,不是嗎?

[舒利亞] 在完季前五、六場比賽,我們去到光明球場(Stadium of Light)。

[旁述] 舒利亞曾講過,隨着他年紀愈來愈大,每次入球後的感覺就愈來愈值得回味……我相信這一球一定會令其回味無窮!
[舒利亞] 當我看到我射入那球十二碼時,我再踢一季的念頭很大。但不夠兩分鐘,我就遭到膝傷,並步履蹣跚地離場。自此我就再沒有在職業足球中碰過皮球。不過,這也不是一個差的離場方式。我會接受的。

在鏡頭以外,杜格利殊及費迪南亦分別就舒利亞的職業生涯附上偉大的註腳。杜格利殊認為舒利亞是「Priceless」,他的強是自成一級,他強得可以肩負起全隊前行,並將一些打和的比賽變成勝利。費迪南則認為只要和舒利亞並肩作戰,他就有信心贏下每一場比賽,因為他知道舒利亞一定會將球放進對手的網中。除此以外,利物浦名宿,亦是舒利亞前領隊的桑拿士(Graeme Souness)亦不吝送上讚美:「在我而言,舒利亞是英格蘭有史以來最偉大的前鋒,無容置疑,他就是個非常特別的球員。」

從上述所見,不論是領隊、隊友及對手,每個人對舒利亞都只有滿滿的敬意。讓我們再一次在這裏,祝賀這位英超總入球紀錄保持者——You deserve the honor! 恭喜您,永遠的隊長,舒利亞﹗

- 上陣次數:441 (英超歷史第27)
- 入球:260 (英超歷史第1)
- 助攻:64
- 英超冠軍 x1 (1994-1995)
- 英超神射手 x3 (1994-1995, 1995-1996, 1996-1997)
- PFA Players' Player of the Year x2 (1994-1995, 1996-1997)
- Premier League Player of the Year x1 (1994–1995)
- Premier League Team of the Year x7 (1991-1997, 2002-2003)
- Premier League Player of the Month x4 (1994年11月, 1998年9月, 2002年12月, 2003年10月)
- 英超史上入最多十二碼的球員(56)
- 單季入球最多的球員(42場) (34球)
- 英超單場入球最多入球的球員 (5球) [與另外4位球員並列]

[Alan Shearer] Let’s go down memory lane then, shall we?

[Commentator] Here’s Shearer…And he put it away, finished beautifully!

[Commentator] Absolute thunderbolt from Alan Shearer!

[Commentator] Oh, it’s absolutely superb!

[Fans] Shearer! Shearer! Shearer!

[Ian Wright]: I’m proud to say it because he;s my friend, he’s the best goalscorer the Premier League has ever seen.

[Commentator] Shearer…Oh!

[Commentator] Blackburn Rovers, the new arrivals in the Premier League.

[Tim Sherwood] He came in, and he just gets his head down. It’s his first game, and scored two of the most incredible goals, just introduces himself to the Premier League.

[Chris Sutton] He was the No.9, he was thew main man, he wanted to be the main man. He was absolutely ruthless.

[Alan Shearer] Blackburn were coming into the Premier League. Taking on the might of Manchester United, of Liverpool, all these huge clubs. It was an incredible achievement.

[Kenny Dalglish] I don’t think the Blackburn fairytale would ever have happened if he hadn’t been involved in the football club.

[Alan Shearer] To eventually get our hands on that Premier League Trophy was something very, very special.

[Tim Sherwood] Without Alan Shearer, there’s no title for Blackburn in 1994/1995 season, simple as that.

[Chris Sutton] The beauty of Alan was he was never satisfied. You know, he wanted to get three, four, five, as many he could get.

[Alan Shearer] When I decided it was time to move on, I’d met Sir Alex, I really didn't know what to do. But then I just thought, “You know what, I just want to go home.” The club I supported as a boy, I stood on the terraces as a kid. That’s what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a footballer for Newcastle.

[Sir John Hall] Welcome Alan Shearer to Newcastle United Football Club.

[Shay Given] For him to wear the famous No.9 shirt at Newcastle, and I don’t think it can go much better for a Geordie to do that.

[Alan Shearer] I don’t know what was there, 15,000, 16,000 people outside the stadium. Because, it was just a bit, it was crazy, it was bonkers. It was my dream.

[Les Ferdinand] Without a shadow of a doubt, he’s the best striker that I played with. We just played for each other, and wanted the team to be successful.

[Ian Wright] The link-up play was fantastic, his heading. I’d say his determination and his hunger for goals is something that I wish I had just like he had it.

[Les Ferdinand] I think goalscoring was the thing that he loved more than anything else. Probably put his kids and his wife in front of that.

There was talk about Alan leaving Newcastle.

[Alan Shearer] I was going through a really tough time, and then Sir Bobby Robson came in.

[Shay Given] I think Bobby just said to him, you know, “Just go and be the striker we all know you can be.”

[Commentator] The renaissance of Alan Shearer. He’s back.

[Alan Shearer] I had a smile back on my face, and that was all thanks to one man. He was a genius as a man manager, he was absolutely fantastic.

[Alan Shearer] As soon as I could walk, basically, my dad sort of threw a football at my feet. Like many, I remember going out and trying to play football. I never thought that one day, I’d be at the top of the Premier League goalscoring charts.

[Chris Sutton] In terms of goals, nobody will touch him. I really do believe that.

[Glenn Hoddle] When you’ve got records at the top, and you still hold records, it just shows you how important he is to it. 260, my word it's a hell of a record, isn't it?

[Alan Shearer] Five or six games before the end of the season, we go to the Stadium of Light.

[Commentator] Alan Shearer says he gets older, the feeling of scoring gets sweeter and sweeter…And that will taste very nice indeed!

[Alan Shearer] The relief was huge when I saw it go in. But then, two minutes later, I got a knee injury and hobbled off, and I never kicked another football again in professional football. So, wasn’t a bad way to go out. I would take that.

參考Link 1: https://www.premierleague.com/news/2103122
參考Link 2: https://www.premierleague.com/news/2081325



標籤: 紐卡素  舒利亞  英超名人堂